Salt and pepper corys laying eggs

No these are a different type of cory and they do breeding a little differently I think.
Sorry, I don't have any experience with Cory breeding... I think it is recommended that you try to remove the eggs into a smaller bare bottom tank if you can so the eggs don't get eaten?... But there are some individuals on here with Cory breeding experience, so I will leave this question to the experts!! :)
Same as other cory care. If theyre laying eggs, remove them gently, into another container with an airstone and methylene blue or alder cone to prevent fungus.

Differences will be the size and food. You will probably need to start off with infusoria with fry this size.

Start soaking indian almond leaves or oak leaves in the container you add them to, as a source of food. The infusoria from them can feed them.

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