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  1. Airwreck

    Debate topic : do fish have emotions?

    Let's take this a step further.. Do bugs have emotions? As a beekeek..I know when my bees are happy.. they tell me.. both in sound and behavior. Also know when my bees are angry and pissed off. Again they tell me..along with stinging my butt.🤣🤣🤣 Is this emotions or instinct behavior?
  2. Airwreck

    Debate topic : do fish have emotions?

    Oops forgot to add.. If fish have emotions.. Then this is true God is love Love is blind Stevie wonder is blind Therefore Stevie Wonder is God 🤣🤣🤣
  3. Airwreck

    Debate topic : do fish have emotions?

    Really?? Then why have I never heard her name? When I know all three of these guys Socrates, Plato, or Aristotle ☺️
  4. Airwreck

    Debate topic : do fish have emotions?

    This is an interesting discussion. Unfortunately everybody who thinks fish have emotions is anthropomorphizing the fish. ☺️
  5. Airwreck

    Setting up first dirted tank, so many questions

    It shud be.. if get from potter it will be wet. The best way to test.. setup small tank like 20 ltrs.. use some of big tank water.. add some guppies..after it clears.. see wot happens. That red clay is exactly wot I used from my land.
  6. Airwreck

    Setting up first dirted tank, so many questions

    Unfortunately I cannot.. I got mine from my yard..☺️ But an idea.. check phone book.. or Google of potter's.. ask them if they have kaolinite clay... Wot I did.. was put a layer about 2.5 cm thick on bottom cap wif sand of about double the thickness.
  7. Airwreck

    Setting up first dirted tank, so many questions

    I agree wif Colin.. add kaolinite clay( red clay) and cap it wif sand. I used to grow plants for stores.. all plants grew great..if heavily planted.. I wud suggest Co2 injection..but ur choice. A word of caution. Everytime u disurb the substrate, ur water will be cloudy for 2 or 3 days.. even...
  8. Airwreck

    How would one go about this...? (Pond inside a rowboat)

    There was no way Jayhawks get beat this year..🥳🥳🥳
  9. Airwreck

    How would one go about this...? (Pond inside a rowboat)

    Cool idea.. And can't resist.. Use flex seal.. 🤣🤣🤣
  10. Airwreck

    Need help with computer before I stick an axe thru it

    Colin.. Go to control panel. Look for back up and restore. Since it's a new/old puter.. I suspect u have no data to save. There shud be a factory reset.. which will blow out everything and give u a clean install starting fresh. This shud solve all software problems. If still have problems.. it's...
  11. Airwreck

    Cars.....what's your.....?

    He a teif.. 🤣🤣 I had the nom de plume for over 40 it in college when taking an acting class.. first day .. teacher say.. act out ur name.. two planes crashing.. make an Airwreck.. say it fast and u got my first name.🤣
  12. Airwreck

    native north american fish

    When younger I kept black bass and sun fish in a 55 long tank.. the sunfish spawned.. The black bass started to eat me out of house and home. A dozen night crawlers a day. They all got dumped back into the same pond they came from on the farm. I suspect I caught my old friend on a nice spinner...
  13. Airwreck

    Cars.....what's your.....?

    My favorite car was my 1944 willys jeep. Cud go anywhere and climb a telephone pole if it cud get traction. when we needed to work on the engine it was so simple and we cud remove the fenders and sit on the tires. I understand why it was so vital to WW II. Most hated was. Triumph TR 7 a rolling...
  14. Airwreck

    The Cultural Differences of.......Biscuits

    I grew up in USA.. now live in a British island.. Brits calling cookies and crackers Biscuits is nuts 🤣 This is the true meaning for all.. ☺️🤣 Biscuits for dogs Biscuits for humans Anyone not have southern pan fried chicken wif biscuits and gravy. Has not lived Cookies Cookies and milk I...
  15. Airwreck

    Fish keeping absolutes

    #6 disagree Where I live it's 80-85 degrees year round Who needs a heater
  16. Airwreck

    What’s the coolest place you’ve travelled to?

    Belize is great, but I like Guyana even better. It has the biggest single drop fall in the world. kaieteur falls. If you have the inclination, will, determination. You can claim land in the bush and build a home. If I was 30 yrs younger.. I do it. Now I happily live in Barbados. Woohoo.
  17. Airwreck

    Anybody up to some aquatic breeding?

    I kept trying with my wife .. but she always says NO!!!🤣🤣🤣 Real answer Killie's Cardinals Sun fish mozambique mouth breeders Just to mention a few.
  18. Airwreck

    Favorite CLEAN songs

    What surprises me nobody here mentioned Dylan, Joplin, Morrison, or Stones.. Hummm Bob Dylan has way to many to list but here are some new work. Tempest Tin Man Hope this works
  19. Airwreck

    Urban Turtle Emergency ID

    Oh my am I that old..🤣 Hope this posting works
  20. 063af13410125411ed30546f7704d0ca.jpg


  21. Airwreck

    Urban Turtle Emergency ID

    🤣 I guess everybody here is young puppies..never saw the plastic bowl wif the palm tree..🤣 This is the reason the urtles are illegal to keep.. nobody wud change the water and it wud become a petri dish for bacteria.. hence the salmonella. Since ur in texas I wud have just suggested bury a...
  22. Airwreck

    Is this a worm in my tank??

    It is a leech.. they make great bait.. unlike worms they don't drown.. and they fight back.🤣🤣 If you got big fish they will make short order of the critter. No reason to suck it as colin said stick ur hand in there.if you get bored waiting for it to find you just grab the sucker.😋...
  23. Airwreck

    coldwater fish FINALLY

    Unless you want a mosquito farm.
  24. Airwreck

    What’s your favorite movie?

    There is one movie everyone must watch "Schindler's list". Least we forget
  25. Airwreck

    Softwater to Hardwater

    Just use rain water..can't get any softer then that. this pandemic has cleaned our never said how large a tank.. Wif all the snow you got recently just start filling buckets:rofl:
  26. Airwreck

    I'm leaving this forum.

    Wow someone is rather defensive. :rofl: Please don't pejudge me when you don't know how I live. I have not eaten meat for years unless I grow my chickens. I grow everything else. I just was curious why you feel the need to kill. Didn't expect a soap box.:eek::rofl:
  27. Airwreck

    I'm leaving this forum.

    Why do you hunt? Do you live in a primitive environment and there no store close to you? Forgive me I just don't understand the need..or the desire to kill.? Please don't use the excuse.. to cull the population. If we lived in balance with nature, the wolves and bears would do that.
  28. Airwreck

    Why I like photography

    The digital images are great. The flower blossom about the fir in a previous post is a passion fruit flower. I will give praise to some of the image makers they have a good eye. Now let me become the ogre in the room. As an extinct traditional silver photographer. I do not think taking images...
  29. Airwreck

    I made $12 off duckweed. Yes I am not joking

    Hey then become a farmer. Pay to do the job.. we put more money out then comes in. Unfortunately it's the job I love. ??
  30. Airwreck

    What Did I Get Myself Into?

    Gee I want ponts.. LoL As to water changes.. as the general consensus say.. do what works for you. That said.. if you think of a river the water changes constantly. As to tanks.. when I was growing plants and fish outdoors.. in a heavy rain.. tropical depression. Water could change 100% in a...
  31. Airwreck

    Is fish-keeping harder and diseases more prevalent now than it was 10 years ago?

    Colin_T the Mayan civilization did not collapse because of any of the reasons you said.. but stupidity.. they built their cities on their prime farm land.. The problem with modern fish keeping is the exact same type of problem that is happening with beekeeping.. man just thinks they can do...
  32. Airwreck

    At what point is the medication more then the fish?

    I guess my parents were cruel.. :rofl: They regardless of how young I was..there were never heroics.. I don't disagree that it is case by case..but at the same time.. fish do just die.. And age is an important factor.. both young and old.. both are susceptible to infections. I am not this...
  33. Airwreck

    4 dead fish at the same time same species HELP!!’

    I will add my two cents.. it probably has nothing to due to your deaths, but both neons and cardinals desire VERY soft water that is acidic.. where the other critters you have are more accepting of hard water.. Not sure if it's to cold there, but try to throw in live food for your fish.. if you...
  34. Airwreck

    At what point is the medication more then the fish?

    I suspect I will get a lot of heat from this statement, but here goes.o_O;) At what point do folks decide when the cure cost more then the fish? I was once at the point of heroics, do anything to save my po'fish..then reality slapped me in the face. 20.00 to save a molly or zebra? I can...
  35. Airwreck

    What Got ya Started in the hobby?

    No you don't.. want to live on the beach. I now live on an island.. sure life on the beach appears glamorous. BUT, You will have sand everywhere, and the salt air will destroy everything metal. Even stainless steel. That said I grew up with a creek behind the house.. my mother had a copper clad...
  36. Airwreck

    Happy Halloween...are you watching a horror movie tonight?

    The original Night of the living dead. Hellraisers. Pinhead is really scary.
  37. Airwreck

    So much hostility

    As always I arrive at the end of this thread.. The one thing that needs to reminded of this is a written msg area.. so many times it can easily be misunderstood. I met my wife 20+ years ago.. we courted on the net before. Many times I would say something tongue in cheek.. she would...
  38. Airwreck

    Hand Sanitisers & Aquariums?

    It seems I am always coming at the tail end of these threads. When reading this thread.. it caused a big Hug.. go figure.. Adding my two cents.. if your worried about commercial hand sanitizer. Just carry a small bottle of grain alcohol. It's all natural and you know what's in it. Also there is...
  39. Airwreck

    75% water changes

    If she wants to find me on my tropical island.. we can sit on the beach and drink rum.:pepsi::dreads: In this case it's free advertising
  40. Airwreck

    75% water changes

    Oh boy am I going to throw a wrench in to what everybody said here:eek: Every fish keeper needs to read the book "Ecology of the planted aquarium" By Diana Walstad. If you have a balance tank with plants and fish.. you can go 6 months without a water change. The goal is to have a low...