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  1. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    Correct! But it won’t colonize either!
  2. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    And? I’ve started every tank since my 1st one with seeded media. I’ve just stocked the tank to about 15% capacity so that my bacteria didn’t get over loaded with waste. When doing this it gives your tanks bacteria enough time to colonize!! That’s what I’ve been stating all along…
  3. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    When did I say anything about my bacteria dying off?? Bacteria may not die with no food but guess what: it won’t grow either!!!
  4. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    Lol. Look back earlier in the thread. My point was this: when I add media that is seeded but no waste, I will have no nitrates. Hence why my tank would have been 0,0,0 the first night I set it up. Thank you for proving my point after all this time!
  5. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    And you just proved my point:rofl: your tank gets cycled, aka has no ammonia or nitrites and has nitrates, when you add the waste!
  6. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    But your bacteria doesn’t feed on anything if there is no waste!!! Therefore it wasn’t “cycled” but as soon as the betta goes in and creates waste the bacteria will colonize and therefore your tank is “cycled”.
  7. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    Ok I’m going to say this one last time…beneficial bacteria alone will not start the cycle!!!!! You have to add waste for the bacteria to convert the ammonia to nitrites then the nitrites to nitrates. This isn’t rocket science. I’ve been telling u this the whole time. That’s why I had 0,0,0. No...
  8. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    Exactly. I didn’t have any waste. So no waste= no nitrates
  9. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    Be sure to use clean media like I did
  10. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    Jesus why is this a competition??? Scientifically nitrates aren’t what we are achieving with adding seeded media…
  11. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    Yes I have many plants. I don’t know why she keeps stating the same thing even tho media doesn’t transfer nitrates…
  12. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    Hey buddy I have a test kit. I never tested my water yesterday bc it had no waste. I knew that since I only add bb I wouldn’t have nitrates. I wasn’t going to waste drops when I knew the outcome. You don’t know what you are talking about saying”beneficial bacteria adds nitrates”. Not how it...
  13. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    Same with me. But I’m trying to say how if you add cycled media and add a little waste that is how you cycle a tank. Not just by adding media
  14. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    Bruh…let me ask you a question, what do you add to the tank when you add media from a cycled tank?
  15. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    Lol. The nitrates come from the waste of the fish. You will get nitrates from having beneficial bacteria in your tank…
  16. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    This is what I’m doing. You have nitrates when you add the fish. I don’t know what you are confused about
  17. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    Exactly!!!! Where does it say something about adding nitrates?? I add beneficial bacteria and add waste to let the bacteria break it down and turn it into nitrates. The bacteria grows as it eats the waste
  18. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    Holy Jesus. Adding seeded media alone won’t cycle a tank. When you add waste the bacteria turns the waste or ammonia to nitrates. Therefore, if I had just added media, like last nigh, I would have 0,0,0
  19. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    I added beneficial bacteria not nitrates!!! Adding nitrates to an uncycled tank doesn’t make it cycled
  20. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    That’s my whole point in this conversation lol
  21. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    I’m not adding nitrates!!!!!! Im adding beneficial bacteria when I add the media
  22. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    Exactly. When you add waste nitrates would show that’s why I said it would just show 0,0,0 bc no waste was added at that time
  23. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    Exactly. I just added media, not waste. Media alone won’t show nitrates without any waste
  24. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    That’s why I added the snails. I’ll test today and hopefully they produced some waste so it has no ammonia and has nitrates
  25. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    I set the tank up last night and added 2 juvenile snails. I’ll test but I was talking about last night how it would be 0,0,0 bc there was no waste
  26. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    I understand. When I’m adding seeded media I’m adding bb correct? How could I add nitrates? Nitrates is from waste
  27. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    Ok. I did this a few months ago and the water tested 0,0,0 and when I added 1 fish it showed only nitrates so yes the bb did it’s job but there were no nitrates until I added waste
  28. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    Yes I know but since there is no waste it would be 0,0,0. I will test and add them today
  29. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    My guess is that it would be 0,0,0?
  30. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    Update! I got a 6 gallon cube for the shrimp! I have a seeded sponge filter and added 2 juvenile mystery snails. Can I add the shrimp now? Should I wait for tomorrow?
  31. W

    Interested in breeding gardneri killifish. Have some questions

    Ok so it’s not necessary to remove the eggs?i don’t even need a spawning mop? Do they need a trio or is a pair fine
  32. W

    Interested in breeding gardneri killifish. Have some questions

    I saw some gardneri killis at my lfs and I saw a pair that were dancing around each other. I’m very interested in these fish. I have some options. Can they go in my 20 long with neon and ember tetras? If that doesn’t work I have a 10 gallon. Are pairs ok? Can the eggs hatch naturally?
  33. W

    Any nano clip on light suggestions?

    I want to get a 12x12x12 cube tank for my shrimp. I have fluval stratum for substrate and I want to grow medium light plants. Any suggestions? I was thinking of a clip on light like the aquaneat or nicrew. Looking in the $10-$15 price range.
  34. W

    Does a sponge filter still have beneficial bacteria if it’s not running?

    I had a sponge filter running and I got a bigger on so I just left it in the tank bc it had bb. It hasn’t been running for a month but it’s still in the tank. Can I put it in another tank and it would have bb to kickstart the cycle?
  35. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    I wish. My wallet would appreciate
  36. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    Yep. I Have 5 display tanks and 1 apistogramma breeding tank. Only been in the hobby for 8 months lol
  37. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    That’s what I said after my 3rd one. I now have 5…hopefully 6 :)
  38. W

    I have a dilemma! Opinions needed

    Yep lol. Now just time to convince my parents to let me have another tank