Put the pr in the 10 gallon with a thin layer of substrate and lots of plants (Java Moss and Water Sprite). Have an air operated sponge filter in the tank and keep the water around 24-26C.
Do big water changes and feed the adults a variety of different dry, frozen and live foods.
The adults don't normally eat their eggs but might eat their young if they are hungry. The newly hatched babies will swim just under the surface among the Water Sprite and you can use a small plastic container to scoop them out and put them in a rearing tank.
The following link has information on culturing food for baby fish.
STARTING OUT Make sure you have a pair, (1 male + 1 female). There is nothing worse than spending your hard-earned dollars buying a couple of fish to try and breed and ending up with a pair of fish of the same sex. Let's face it, to reproduce fish you need a male and a female. Two males won't do...