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  1. Aussie_Bristle

    Sudden swim bladder ?

    Did you prime the water before putting in the tank? Idk just throwing it out there
  2. Aussie_Bristle

    Rebuilding my colony

    Hi all Hope everyone is well?! So I have started building my colony back up. I got 10 chameleon ninja shrimp and 20 reds in there now... tomorrow’s order is a variety pack deal with 2 jades, 2 blues, 2 yellows and 2 oranges and another 2 reds that I said not to worry about! I am so excited I...
  3. Aussie_Bristle

    Amano shrimp concern

    No just means your water conditions are good. Before I had an incident in my shrimp tank and I lost my originals, I had girls berried and about to berry constantly. You will be over run by babies before you know it :wub:
  4. Aussie_Bristle

    Looking at a hermit crab setup

    So I’m getting mixed advice when googling about these little vegemites. Is a under tank heater needed or is a heat lamp surfice?
  5. Aussie_Bristle

    Help! New Snails!

    The nitrates is a bit to high for snails IMO. Snails are a good indicator if something is not right in the tank. But in saying that you could of also got duds and between the parameters changes in tanks could have to much for them. As hardy as the little guys are they are also very sensitive
  6. Aussie_Bristle

    Help! White particles in tank multiplying and wont go away

    Maybe a good idea to just replace the filter all together hun
  7. Aussie_Bristle

    Tail biter?

    From what I have seen it look similar but like I said don’t quote me on it as I have never experienced it and only seen pictures on here. Colin would have a better idea and understanding of what to look for. I think go with what Colin has advised and see how you go hun
  8. Aussie_Bristle

    Help! White particles in tank multiplying and wont go away

    Are you sure it’s a filter and not a snow machine :rofl: :rofl:
  9. Aussie_Bristle

    Help! White particles in tank multiplying and wont go away

    Also what are your water parameters and tank size? What is in the tank now hun eg substrate, rocks etc?
  10. Aussie_Bristle

    Help! White particles in tank multiplying and wont go away

    @JuiceBox52 i found your Christmas theme tank. :rofl: Im so sorry I shouldn’t laugh but it looks like Santa went crazy in your tank! Have you got another tank to put your little guys in until someone can advise hun?
  11. Aussie_Bristle

    Tail biter?

    If he is biting his tail there is obviously something irritating the little guy. Have you seen him biting his tail?
  12. Aussie_Bristle

    Can anyone identify this fish?

    He’s a bit adorable :wub:
  13. Aussie_Bristle

    Salt use question, confused .?

    The problem with pet shops these days is they are not to worried about there parameters at all. It’s all about the quick sale so they look at it like they’re not not going to have the stock for to long. As Byron has mentioned before fish can tolerate poor water quality for a short time and this...
  14. Aussie_Bristle

    Tail biter?

    Maybe invest in some aquarium salt too, it’s cheap and honestly I swear by it. Before Colin advised me a while ago to use it on one of my blue eyes who was quite sick (not sure of the reason) I was not a fan of salt in aquariums at all. I saw improvements in the little guy within 24 hours and he...
  15. Aussie_Bristle

    Anacharis keeps dying. Are there other fast growing plants that fill that niche?

    lol pet shop here label it as elodea, I wonder if they are aware of the fines :rofl:
  16. Aussie_Bristle

    Help Betta Fish

    Yeah over time it does. Not good for them
  17. Aussie_Bristle

    Help Betta Fish

    ohhh okay. I thought it may have been just a cheap no name one that they just put with kit
  18. Aussie_Bristle

    Tail biter?

    Could be abit of fin rot, but I could be way off to as I have never experienced it. (Touch wood) @Colin_T will be able to help you hun
  19. Aussie_Bristle

    Jungle val vs Italian val?

    I have jungle Val and it grows over a metre long if I get lazy with my weekly/fortnightly trims. A very hardy and beautiful plant. When settled and healthy it will shot runners quite quickly which can over run your tank before too long so just keep maintenance up. If your happy with that then...
  20. Aussie_Bristle

    Anacharis keeps dying. Are there other fast growing plants that fill that niche?

    So are you saying that the pet shop are false advertising Hydrilla as Elodea?? :rolleyes: Would not surprise me at all
  21. Aussie_Bristle

    Help Betta Fish

    Have you ever seen that water conditioner before? I have never heard or seen of it hence why the ask.
  22. Aussie_Bristle

    Help Betta Fish

    A more finer substrate would be a great option too hun. Big rocks trap food and waste which causes problems. A nice finer gravel would be better, I’m not really experienced with bettas so the others would be able to suggest sizing for you. If you can also get a water conditioner for him would be...
  23. Aussie_Bristle

    Anacharis keeps dying. Are there other fast growing plants that fill that niche?

    I can grow hornwort in my main tank with the fish etc but within 24hrs in my shrimp tank it molts and I’m left with the stem :rolleyes: I’m a huge fan of Val and ambulia. Val is hardy and grows beautifully in the right conditions. Ambulia you can grow and cut the tops once they go to high and...
  24. Aussie_Bristle

    Tail biter?

    Is this the tank you are fighting the ammonia spike in hun?
  25. Aussie_Bristle

    Veggies for goldfish?

    Zucchini is another one. No I never do with cucumber but blanch the zucchini for a little to soften
  26. Aussie_Bristle


    I found a couple more in my shrimp tank the other day. I have just let them be. More add on to my clean up crew
  27. Aussie_Bristle

    Veggies for goldfish?

    When I had gold fish, they loved cucumber and rockmelon. @Deanasue is our goldfish girl she will be able to help you out more
  28. Aussie_Bristle

    Amano shrimp concern

    And no need to remove the male, he only wants her when she is about to berry and let’s off a hormone scent to attract him
  29. Aussie_Bristle

    Amano shrimp concern

    She fans her eggs to keep them moving to prevent fungus. It’s totally normal! She will be berried for around a month, if she is consistently producing that’s a good thing. Means your conditions are right
  30. Aussie_Bristle

    Calling all fish tank decorators!

    yeah I get that. All good
  31. Aussie_Bristle

    Calling all fish tank decorators!

    Don’t straight bleach dip.. dilute a cap full or a bit more in water. Dip for a couple minutes with the roots out of the water and thoroughly rinse with water. I use aquarium salt and let them soak for a bit
  32. Aussie_Bristle

    Calling all fish tank decorators!

    Yep, live plants are great you will be fine. Val is beautiful and hardy in the right conditions. Ambulia is really pretty to and all you need is a bunch and once it grows you can trim and replant the cuttings
  33. Aussie_Bristle

    Calling all fish tank decorators!

    A background picture or black cardboard. Take the fake out and get ambulia and some Val or if you want a bit of colour narrow ludwigia is lovely with its red and yellow and green colour leaves.
  34. Aussie_Bristle

    More Random Photos...

    Yeah I need to get back out with my camera. Haven’t done any shots in awhile
  35. Aussie_Bristle

    Fish identification

    hey your my partner in crime this is where you are suppose to have my back :rofl:
  36. Aussie_Bristle

    Salt use question, confused .?

    If I’m correct you asked if pro reef salt was okay and Colin advised marine or rock salt. Pro reef salt offers a high calcium, magnesium and iodide concentration then marine salt. If Colin has advised marine or rock salt (aquarium salt) I would go with what he has said. Are your fish suffering...
  37. Aussie_Bristle

    Kicking the hobby up a notch

    Well done, I think you'll have a lot of success with it. GL :banana:
  38. Aussie_Bristle

    Fish identification

    So I have a confession to make (deep breath) I have some clown puke gravel in my shrimp tank:crazy: I was in the middle of gradually removing it before my tank went down the toilet and now I am not even game to touch the tank for awhile until everything settles down:banana:
  39. Aussie_Bristle


    Naw happy birthday my little partner in crime!!! :banana::banana:That’s us doing the partner in crime banana dance