Can anyone identify this fish?


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Jun 26, 2020
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I ordered some tropical fish which arrived this morning, including 4 otocinclus. There were 5 fish in the bag but I’m sure this one looks different to the others and I don’t think it’s an otocinclus, but I’m not sure! Can anyone have a look and let me know? All the others have straight away attached to a rock or the glass, but this guy is swimming around with my Scissortail rasboras... Any thoughts appreciated!



  • A9B53C5D-D235-489A-BE26-7C57CE6AB923.jpeg
    1.2 MB · Views: 95
It's a pygmy cory, Corydoras pygmaeus. This species of cory does swim mid water more than most cories.
Yes, defiantly a Pygmy Cory. They prefer to be in groups of 10 or more. (Depending on the other stock of the tank)

Is the tank a 20g long, or a 20g high?

You also need to put sand in the tank. The tank needs to have some sort of substrate in it, but the Cory also needs a substrate, so they can scavenge. (A fine sand, nothing course)
yep, corydoras pygmaeus. Definitely needs a shoal. In a 20, you could easily do 12-15. Maybe more depending on your other stock and if its a long or tall. If tall, no more than 15. If long, no problems going up to 18-20. They don't grow large at all, barely over an inch and they thrive with a large group.

I keep 10 in my 10 gallon.

Theyre super cute little cories, but also very timid and easily stressed if not kept in a large enough group.

Sand is most ideal for these guys, for a few reasons. Its easier to keep clean, which their delicate barbels need or else they risk infection. Second, food sits on the top of the sand easy for them to eat. With gravel, it falls into the cracks where they can't reach it and they can damage their barbels trying.

A bonus is leaf litter, they like to shelter under them and come out and about more.

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