Jungle val vs Italian val?


Fish Addict
Dec 21, 2019
Reaction score
New Orleans
My lfs sells both jungle and Italian val. They haven’t had jungle val for a few weeks but they have had Italian val. Is Italian val like jungle val? What’s the difference?
Italian Vallisneria have a wiggly shape and thinner leaf
Jungle Vallisneria will grow straight up and have a thick leaf, looks like Sagittaria
Both of them will growth really high and cover most of your aquarium top tho. :blink:
Agree. If you do want to track down data, it is best to use the scientific name as the common names in this genus can be very confused.

Vallisneria americana may often be seen under the common names of Jungle Val and Freshwater Eel Grass as well as Giant Val, and is the largest plant in the genus; some sources give 3-4 feet for the leaf length, but others including Kasselmann (2003) give 2.3 metres (7 feet). There is a wide-leaf (blade 10-25mm wide with 5-9 veins) and a narrow-leaf (up to 10 mm with 3-5 veins) form. Some regions consider this an invasive plant; in some jurisdictions such as New Zealand it is illegal to propagate, sell or distribute this plant.

Valisneria spiralis is the other large species, referred to sometimes as Italian Val for reasons I cannot pinpoint. The leaves may be flat or twisted, and up to one metre (3 feet) long (Kasselman, 2003).
I have jungle Val and it grows over a metre long if I get lazy with my weekly/fortnightly trims. A very hardy and beautiful plant. When settled and healthy it will shot runners quite quickly which can over run your tank before too long so just keep maintenance up. If your happy with that then you are set. I cull some of my Val every couple months so this doesn’t happen

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