Amano shrimp concern


Fish Aficionado
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jan 26, 2020
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Spica via Regulus
Hi, I have 2 Amano and one seems to constantly be carrying and fanning eggs. Is this stressful for her? I hate to separate the two as they obviously get along... ;)
Well they get along fine I just wondered of it was bad for the female to stay berried all the time. I can separate them, but would they miss each other? I know, I'm projecting, but still...
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Its probably a good thing for them to get eggs because they just end up eating them anyways which im guessing is very good and healthy for them. Also the female might get stressed if you remove the males when she has eggs because when they are breeding they like to stay in a group.
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She fans her eggs to keep them moving to prevent fungus. It’s totally normal! She will be berried for around a month, if she is consistently producing that’s a good thing. Means your conditions are right
And no need to remove the male, he only wants her when she is about to berry and let’s off a hormone scent to attract him
Its probably a good thing for them to get eggs because they just end up eating them anyways which im guessing is very good and healthy for them. Also the female might get stressed if you remove the males when she has eggs because when they are breeding they like to stay in a group.
Thanks, I have 2 and they are close.
Thanks, I feel better now. The 2 Amano have been adjusting to their new 20g home.
I thought I would maybe need to separate them. Now I know what happens to the eggs! She's like the chicken of the tank.
♡♡♡♡little cute shrimpie pair♡♡♡♡
So no egg-binding problems?
No just means your water conditions are good. Before I had an incident in my shrimp tank and I lost my originals, I had girls berried and about to berry constantly. You will be over run by babies before you know it :wub:
Well, I guess not Amano babies, but I DO have a 3 generation RCS tank
~~~ ♡ ~~~
No just means your water conditions are good. Before I had an incident in my shrimp tank and I lost my originals, I had girls berried and about to berry constantly. You will be over run by babies before you know it :wub:
Well I'll have to keep a good watch on them since she and her mate have been in a 20g for only 24hrs after a move from 10g.

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