Sudden swim bladder ?


Fish Crazy
Mar 21, 2020
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I’ve lost two fish to sudden swim bladder (I was medicating for bacterial infection and ich). They had no symptoms and overnight would be curved and swimming spirals. I lost a guppy to it about a week ago. I moved two of my ottos to a different tank while treating and today after I put them back in after they were showing no signs of disease, not even an hour later one of my ottos was spiraling and died 20 min after I noticed it. It’s frustrating. I’m thinking he may have ran into something or idk? I don’t over feed by any means and there’s been no disease for minimum 4 days now.
I'm assuming its dropsy, and not swim bladder if its sudden and they die right away.
I'm assuming its dropsy, and not swim bladder if its sudden and they die right away.
Issue is is that neither had swollen bellies or scales sticking out. Just the sudden back curve and spirals and then dead /:
Have you tested your water recently? It's easy for medications to mess up your cycle. I have sometimes found that swim bladder issues indicate a water quality emergency. How are your ammonia/nitrites/nitrates?
Have you tested your water recently? It's easy for medications to mess up your cycle. I have sometimes found that swim bladder issues indicate a water quality emergency. How are your ammonia/nitrites/nitrates?
Ammonia 0 nitrites 0 and nitrates 8ppm. I also had just done a fresh water change. I’ve been keeping up on them
Did you prime the water before putting in the tank? Idk just throwing it out there
Did you prime the water before putting in the tank? Idk just throwing it out there
Yeah I did everything /: ugh silent mystery killer. I even added a new white guppy cuz my 3 were getting aggressive (and the tank still has medication in it so no quarantine necessary) and he’s perfectly fine! Got right with the groove of things
Sounds like TB to me, but I can be wrong 100%. @Colin_T
I highly doubt it. I looked into it and they had no other symptoms but maybe lack of eating and lethargy. Also it wasn’t a humpback type of curve it was like a c when you looked at them from above
I highly doubt it. I looked into it and they had no other symptoms but maybe lack of eating and lethargy. Also it wasn’t a humpback type of curve it was like a c when you looked at them from above
I'm not saying it it TB, I'm just saying its a possibility ;)
I'm not saying it it TB, I'm just saying its a possibility ;)
I REALLYYYY hope it’s not cuz based on what I’ve read I basically will have to start over completely (plus I’ve definitely touched the water)
I REALLYYYY hope it’s not cuz based on what I’ve read I basically will have to start over completely (plus I’ve definitely touched the water)
I really don't hope too. TB is a really horrible disease to both, humans and fish.

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