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  1. J


    Im sorry about your fishie. :sad:
  2. J

    Tail Missing!

    Sometimes a fish doesn't have anything. This fish is missing a good portion of it's tail, and you're saying it has a parasite or bacterial infection based on what? Maybe he/she (the fish) has fin rot, or maybe another fish just got plain ol' pissed off. But you can't go dumping meds into a...
  3. J

    Tail Missing!

    There isn't any reason to suspect velvet. I would need more information to diagnose the fish, as adding meds that aren't needed can stress fish. Maybe it's just me Wilder, but everytime I see your name, you're diagnosing a fish with little information.
  4. J

    How High Can They Jump?

    Yeah, make a cover. With an air hole, that is. I see way too many bettas at the LFS who suffocated(sp?) because a cup was stacked on top. :sad:
  5. J

    So I Found This Chuck Of Coral. . .

    Haven't set up the tank yet. Thanks for the help. I can't get pictures of the yellow things; they're real light yellow against the white coral, and my webcam just blows.
  6. J

    Id That Plant

    So I grew these plant bulbs, but the package doesn't give me any helpful information on what they are. It's not a I-need-to-know-this situation but am just curious is all.
  7. Fishies_021.jpg


  8. J

    Betta Pics

    Lady Peaches
  9. Fishies_018.jpg


  10. J

    So I Found This Chuck Of Coral. . .

    As I was going through the seashell jar looking for smooth shells for my betta to sleep on, I found a piece of coral about 2"x5", and thought Wow, I can use this for my future guppie tank! I know shells raise the pH of the water because of calcium, but what about coral? And also, is there...
  11. J

    Would You Kill A Betta...

    I picked up a betta that was missing his entire back fin - the entire back fin; however, he died during the night. Housed with goldfish, I believe.
  12. J

    I'm Thinking. . .

    The pitbull plec grows to 2-2.5", so I'm thinking pitbull plec, but I read somewhere that they like to burrow in sand. Is sand okay for guppies? I know they're not as hardy as platys, and sand can make something like nitrate skyrocket. Probably not nitrate, but it was something.
  13. J

    I Have A Pregnant Platy!

    That's how I am. And lazyiness plays a part of course.
  14. J

    I'm Thinking. . .

    There's a 10 gal. at Wal-Mart for 9-something, which is rather cheap, so I think I'll purchase that and fill it with males guppies not from Wal-Mart. Does six sound about right? I'm told 6, but people have different opinions, so I wanted to get a few. Like in the UK, someone mentioned how it...
  15. J

    How Do I Get My Female Eggbound?

    I checked the links, and they just said to condition them and keep the water clean, but that sounds way to easy.
  16. J

    How Do I Get My Female Eggbound?

    I put her tank next to the males and am feeding her a few extra bloodworms a day. Is there anything else I can do? And if she's a peach color, will she show breeding bars? I've never seen a peach with bars.
  17. J

    Fish Tattoos

    That would be pretty cool to have a fish with your business logo in your place of work though. I would need ample proof it doesn't harm the fish in any way or further down the road, but I doubt that's unlikely since ya know. . . you're tattooing a fish.
  18. J

    New Crowntail Male

    Thankies! Can you believe I picked this beauty up from Petco?! :hey:
  19. J

    New Crowntail Male

    So half of the offspring would be VT and the other half would be CT? Or they would all be half VT half CT? :unsure: Actually, he's blueish-purpleish with some barely noticeable white tips. The webcam just blows. When I took pictures of my turtle, it was quite clear since turtles don't...
  20. J

    Does It Bother Anyone Else That The First Letter Of Every Word In The

    Nope. But the words that shouldn't be capitalized bother me a bit for some reason. But hey, I point out grammar mistakes on video games. :alien: *is a dork*
  21. J

    New Crowntail Male

    Oh, total coolness! :hyper:
  22. J

    New Crowntail Male

    The jar said crowntail, but combtail is A-OK with me too. A-OK. :D
  23. J

    My Girlie!

    "Thankies!" says Princess.
  24. J

    New Crowntail Male

    I think I'll breed him with my veiltail. What would the babies be? 75% VT and 25% CT? The two. New CT. Yeah, I know, the pictures are pretty low quality. All I have is a web cam.
  25. Fishies_012.jpg


  26. Fishies_006.jpg


  27. J

    Male Betta

    Since you're new to bettas, I wouldn't start a soreity tank; and I don't know how big 45 liters is, but you need at least a 10 gal. I would go with: - either a female or male betta - snail or 2 ghost shrimp (Bettas have been known to eat them)
  28. J

    My Girlie!

    Nope, she's a she. Has the ova. . . white spot.
  29. J

    My Girlie!

    Mine keeps trying to catch the platys' falling flakes, of course, to no avil. I think I should move her before she wears herself out.
  30. J

    My Girlie!

    This is my girl, Princess. I know she's a veiltail, but don't know about the color. She's peach with maroon fins with a hint of blue around the base of her. . . butt. . . fin and a blue stripe on her. . . under fin. (Yeah, I don't know the names for these particular fins.) The pictures are a...
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