So I Found This Chuck Of Coral. . .


Fish Fanatic
Nov 24, 2005
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As I was going through the seashell jar looking for smooth shells for my betta to sleep on, I found a piece of coral about 2"x5", and thought Wow, I can use this for my future guppie tank! I know shells raise the pH of the water because of calcium, but what about coral? And also, is there anything in this coral I need to worry about? I see little yellow. . . looks like worms 'cept they're not. Well, maybe they are, but they're hard and not alive surely. I've been soaking it in hot water for about 30 minutes. It may be just me, but the little yellow things have started to dissapear it seems, but then again, it may just be me because I lack observe. . . ness.

So here's a summary:
1. Does it contain calcium/how much will it raise the pH/is it okay for the guppie tank?
2. Anything I need to worry about? Tiny organisms that can live for an extremely long time out of water? Probably just answered my own question, but I'm paranoid.
3. What are the yellow things?
1. Does it contain calcium/how much will it raise the pH/is it okay for the guppie tank?

Yes, coral frags do contain calcium and will probably raise your pH to around 8. This is a safe range for the fish as long as its kept at that level. My guppies and cardinals live in 8.0 pH since the tapwater around here is a little on the hard side ;) What pH range are they at currently?

2. Anything I need to worry about? Tiny organisms that can live for an extremely long time out of water? Probably just answered my own question, but I'm paranoid.

As long as the coral has been dry for a long period of time there should be very little to wory about. A quick boil might be in order just as a precautionary measure.

3. What are the yellow things?

Impossible to say without a pic ;)
What pH range are they at currently?
Haven't set up the tank yet.

Thanks for the help. I can't get pictures of the yellow things; they're real light yellow against the white coral, and my webcam just blows.

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