Tail Missing!


Fish Crazy
Feb 19, 2006
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just looked in my tank and one of my rummy nose has a lot of its tail missing (over 1/2) and another one has a little bit missing! :no:

i havent noticed any aggression in the tank really, and i dont know how this has happened?
should i remove the fish with 1/2 a tail? i dont know what to do please help, any ideas on whats going on?

see sig for tank details,

thanks x x x
How many gallons or litres is the tank, how many fish and which type, water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
The missing tail and fuzzy edges or splits in the tail, or red streaking and red edges to the tail.
tank size and fish species in my sig
ammonia - 0
nitrite - 0
nitrate - 10
pH - 7
temp - 24oc

the tail has a ragged edge (whats left!) with no fuzziness,splits or redness.
i have also noticed some of the rummy nose look a bit thin and they have like an orange tint to their nose and body?
thanks x x x
Can you move the rummy noses issolate them something not right, going thin are they eating, and how thin do they look like they are wasting away.
Check the anus for sign of parasites prutruding out of the anus, red inflamed anus or enlarged, and what colour is the poo when they go to the toilet.

The orange on the body and nose does it look like it turning to red.
hi yeh i have got a tank i could put them in, its a 15 litre but its not set up! i bought it for emergencies.

only a few of them are thinnish and yep there all still eating, cant see any parasites and there poo is brownish colour.

the orange on the body isnt going red, its a kind of yellowish/ orange and some of them look kind of see through?

i had an outbreak of ich about 2 weeks ago , this was successfuly cleared up using protozin, i dont know if thats any help??

the rummy nose have been in there for around a week now.
also the one with hardly any tail seems to be isolated as do some of the others??

thanks for all your help so far,
x x x
erm kind of dusting appearence,
what should i do?
i have protozin, should i treat with that??
also shall i remove the rummy nose and just treat them or treat the whole tank?
none of the other fish seem ill in anyway?
thanks again x x
thanks for all your help i'll start the treatment,
another stupid question!! - on the protozin bottle it says dont use with momyrids what are they?
will the med be ok with all the fish i have?
thanks again, your v.helpful x x
You need to move the frogs that's all they won't cope with the med, good luck.
I would treat the whole tank as velvet is nasty, just follow that link advice, good luck.
That med is fine.
There isn't any reason to suspect velvet. I would need more information to diagnose the fish, as adding meds that aren't needed can stress fish. Maybe it's just me Wilder, but everytime I see your name, you're diagnosing a fish with little information.
I'm sorry if you don't agree it's not easy trying to determine what a fish has.
It's a parasite or bacterial infecion, but with the fish losing weight i more prone to the parasite route which can cause a fish to lose weight.
I'm sorry if you don't agree it's not easy trying to determine what a fish has.
It's a parasite or bacterial infecion, but with the fish losing weight i more prone to the parasite route which can cause a fish to lose weight.
Sometimes a fish doesn't have anything. This fish is missing a good portion of it's tail, and you're saying it has a parasite or bacterial infection based on what? Maybe he/she (the fish) has fin rot, or maybe another fish just got plain ol' pissed off. But you can't go dumping meds into a tank that doesn't need them. There's no harm in sticking some aquarium salt in there though, I believe.
Can't stick aquarium salt in the tank he has loaches.
Plus fish lose weight with velvet, and finrot is common on top of parasites.
Going by your other post does the yelow patches look fluffy in appearance now.

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