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  1. C

    nanday conures...

    I have one, and they are definitely noisy. I do live in an apartment, but he is only noisy when I allow him to be during playtime. There has never been a complaint since he is very well trained. I also have a Green Cheek, and I agree, they are supposed to be quiet, but he does have his noisy...
  2. C

    bird help plz!!!

    He may be going through his change. Its usually their adjustment period from being a baby, to becoming a bit more grown up. My conures went through it, and they would bite and also get very loud. There's not much you can do, but you may just want to be a bit more cautious around him to avoid...
  3. C

    my ferrets

    Very cute. I had an albino one once named Oreo. She was a great pet, and very friendly and loveable. She always figured a way out of the cage, and would always get into bed with me. Scared me the first few times she did it. I had NO clue what the furry thing under the covers was :o
  4. C

    What's your pet's favorite toy?

    Bubba, my Nanday loves this ropey ball thing. He rubs up on it, and talks to it, and tell it that he is a Good Boy :). JoJo, my Green Cheek, loves this hanging bell thing with wood balls and little chewy disks. He hangs upside done from it, and talks into the bell.
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    my purrdy kitty

    That is a gorgeous cat, and that color is amazing. I would love to see him up for POTM. I second the nomination!!
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    My Guniea Pigs

    They are sweet. I just love piggies :wub:
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    Hamster Q

    Mine always chewed the bars. When they were in a tank, they tried to chew that too. They are not very smart. And, with the plastic ball, mine would run into things, and they liked to roll down the one step we had in the house. Then, they could not get back up. They are more fun to watch than...
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    The two animals I want

    I never thought chickens to be cute, but those sure do look darling :wub:
  9. C

    everyone meet my new friend...

    Those pics cracked me up. I hope to see the little ones pretty soon :lol:
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    I don't beleieve they were saying to declaw the cat. It is true that if you have a cat that is declawed, it is sometimes more aggressive, and could contribute to a biting problem. :nod:
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    more pictures of my unknown mutt sadie....

    I never cared what my dogs were made up of. As long as they were great to the family, that was all that mattered.
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    I am not a really big chihuahua fan, but he is awfully cute :nod:
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    That is exactly the same reason I joined. And, here, it is not just about fish. There are other forums that you can talke about other pets as well, which I think is great. :hi:
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    Our new puppy!!!!

    What an adorable face!! Looks like he is going to be big when he gets older!!
  15. C

    heres OZZY

    What a beautiful puppy. I have always thought they were adorable.
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    What a cute little face :wub:
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    Beautiful babies. And, I like your little saying :rofl:
  18. C

    are convicts afraid of you?

    I used to have my fish in a room with a low activity level. They never got frightened. Now, they have moved to the main room of the house. After the move, my convict got a bit skittish, but is getting better. I always have to make sure not to move too fast towards them.
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    Question about my fry

    I really REALLY hope you are trying to be funny. Of course I feed them. :rolleyes:
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    Question about my fry

    They were Labeotropheus fuelleborni OB fry. The babies were in her mouth, so no egg rot. The filter was covered, so they did not get sucked in. They are as of yesterday 2 weeks old. I watched them kill each other. Two or three would gang up on one, and then bite at him till the baby was...
  21. C

    Just got a 29 Gallon tank for free

    My boyfriend loves tanks, so I could really have as many as I wanted. And, to convince her, just make it seem like you did it for her, and that you thought of her the whole time. It always works on me!! :lol: :lol:
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    I used for my ornaments, and had a great experience with them. And, they have great prices on filter media.
  23. C

    Heidi 8 weeks old

    LOL :rofl: What a beautiful little girl :wub:
  24. C

    my new puppy

    I think he if wonderful!! I think he would make a great POTM!! I think I am in love!! :wub: :wub: :wub: :* :* :*
  25. C

    Question about my fry

    Out of 28 babies I have 2 left. And, believe it or not, I had nothing to do with it. Water conditions were great, and I took excellent care of them. They were all by themselves in their own tank. They actually killed each other. Now, is there any reason why they did that?
  26. C

    I'm so cruel!!

    I am with you. I HATE spiders, but curiousity got me, and I had to look at the pic. Now, I will have spookies about spiders for the rest of the week :crazy: :no:
  27. C

    bubbles i a mbuna tank

    Mine love the bubbles. The sometimes swim through them and hang out in them.
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    First Tank

    I got my first tank when I was 10 as a gift. It was a 10 gallon, and we had no clue. Never lost any fish until we gave it away, never used chemicals and never did H2O changes. Now, I know better :thumbs:
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    changing colors

    The ones I have do the same thing. I would be curious to see if there is a reason for it. :dunno:
  30. C

    Question about my fry

    My fish had 28 babies. Can anyone tell me approximately how many will die out of this many? I lost 2 already :( I am assuming it is normal to lose some, right?
  31. C

    will a demasoni and a yellow lab mate?

    Looking at the time they posted, they posted at the exact same time. Very freaky :S
  32. C

    I give up

    I would try a different lfs if you haven't already. I had this experience before, and found this helped me stop from killing them :)
  33. C

    What size filter do I need?

    It came with the penguin bio wheel (i think I mentioned that in the first post). Thanks for the info, now I can order my filters :)
  34. C

    The Babies Are Here!

    Just a little update... She finally spit them all out today. I went from having 5 little ones to having 25 little ones. It is just amazing she had all those babies in her mouth. I tried to take some pics, but way the tank is made, it gives a nasty reflection (hexagon shaped). I am so happy...
  35. C

    What size filter do I need?

    I have a 5 gallon hex aquarium with a penguin bio wheel filter. Can anyone tell me what the size is for the filter? It is usually a letter on the package, and I threw it away :crazy:
  36. C

    just a funny picture

    Bubba is a Nanday Conure and JoJo is a Green Cheek Conure. Bubba loves the shower. We let it pool a little in the bottom, and he races into it when you put him down, and then he splashes and splashes. We sit him up on the sindow will, and then he takes a nap. He even reacts to the sound of...
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    just a funny picture

    How cute :wub: Both of mine bathe whenever they want. Jojo usually bathes himself everyday in his water dish. He really loves the water, and just can't get enough. When you change his water, he runs over to the empty spot, waits, and jumps in as soon as you put it there. Bubba likes to dip...
  38. C

    The Babies Are Here!

    She is a Labeotropheus fuelleborni OB. I'll take some pics of them once they come out. Right now, I have the light off, and she is covered up. I figured if she is nervous, the darkness might help her. They look like they are all alive, so she is just bein a very protective mommy :wub:
  39. C

    The Babies Are Here!

    My fish finally had her babies. One problem, she won't let them out of her mouth. This morning one was out, and when I got home from work, it was gone. I can see into her mouth, and I see little eyeballs :) Is there anything I can do to get her to release them?