hi im a newbie


New Member
May 24, 2004
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Manchester UK
Hello all, just thought id post a message, ive had my tropical tank for 6mths now, and my guppies are breeding... i have 6 females waiting to give birth and im so exited, I have found 6 babies which i have put into a breeding box, i hope im doing everything right as its new to me :D
Hi beckisguppies :)

Welcome to the forum! :flowers:

Many of our members are guppy keepers too. You're sure to get some good advise from them and since many new fishkeepers have guppies, I'm sure you will find many opportunities to help them. :thumbs:
:hi: to the forum! As you can see in my signature, I am a guppy-lover too. You'll fit right in with all of us! :D
my little fry are doing well, worried about the 2 mothers though still not give birth, im so inpacient i cant help it, im going to get some pic's so you all can see them, thanx for the nice welcome, your all so kind
All good things to those who wait (mmmmm maybe i should do beer adverts!) dont worry they will be fine, oh yeah, im oddball 'lo :fun: dont worry it wont be long until they're this big :thumbs:
'Scuse me for being blonde (no really I am!).

My guppies have had babies, as have my mollies. But to be honest I don't know how to tell when they are in the family way. I do know how to tell the male from the female, but my females look permanently pregnant............are they.......could they be........ how can I find out?

Pleased to meet you by the way, I am a newbie too!
ok guppies first, the female is much bigger than the male and also in most cases less colourful, the male is bright in colour. as for mollies i have no idea as i have none, hope that helps, also when the female guppies are preagnant they get a noticable dark spot where the behind is.

Oh and one of my mothers gave birth yestaday 30 baby fry all doing great, now i have a big big family, ive just set up my old tank for them too. :D

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