Search results

  1. KISSfn

    Zebra Danio - Swim Bladder Disease?

    Sorry for your loss...:rip: Reading your post I thought of one of my Danios that acted the same and suffered the same fate.
  2. KISSfn

    Stocking Clarity

    I have a phantom fish on order...;)
  3. KISSfn

    Is This A Wound Or Something Worse?

    Since she's eating, active, a little aggressive and by the pic I would say it's a wound. Treat with a combo of Melafix and Pimafix.
  4. KISSfn

    Dwarf Honey Gourami Illness Help!

    Is your filter cycled? What are your Ammonia and Nitrite readings in mg/l?
  5. KISSfn

    Zebra Danio - Swim Bladder Disease?

    How did you cycle your filter? What are your exact Ammonia and Nitrite readings in mg/l?
  6. KISSfn

    Very High Ph And Mystery Disease?

    You don't ever want to mess with your pH. A stable pH is more important than trying to raise or lower it. I doubt your fish are ill due to your pH. Sounds like your fish may have internal parasites. One of my Rosy Barbs had a belly that looked like it was sunken in. Treated with Tetra...
  7. KISSfn

    Super Ich

    Couldn't agree more about never wanting to battle Ich for the rest of my life! For the Kordon Rid Ich Plus (one of a couple of their anti Ich products) the label says to do 30% waterchanges before each daily treatment. This also makes sense as you will be siphoning out some of the waterborne...
  8. KISSfn

    Red Gills?

    Size of tank? All inhabitants? What did you test water with? Ammonia and Nitrite zero? How did you acclimate new fish? A large water change is always a good thing.
  9. KISSfn

    Super Ich

    I have read that there are resistant strains of Ich out there. I tried API Super Ick Cure and it didn't do anything. After some research it seemed impossible to cure Ich in the short amount of time API claims on their bottle. The Ich life cycle can last 35 days or longer. Kordon Rid Ich Plus...
  10. KISSfn

    Red Gills?

    Is your filter cycled? You should test your water now. The shop will probably try to sell you something you don't need.
  11. KISSfn

    Pale (And Dying) Sailfin Mollies

    Test strips are notoriously inaccurate. You need a liquid test kit. Larger water changes more often are better if your ammonia and/or nitrite are greater than zero and if your nitrates are really high >300. Two types of good bacteria will form in your filter. One type processes ammonia to...
  12. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    My pH read 6.4 (lowest on the Seneye scale) so the red pH light was constantly on and I was receiving warning emails and text messages for low pH. Seneye had me try a new slide and gave me a free slide. And they analyzed an extensive amount of data and they got my pH to read correctly through...
  13. KISSfn

    The Best Whitespot Treatment To Use

    Did you try ordering Kordon Ich Attack from
  14. KISSfn

    Pale (And Dying) Sailfin Mollies

    Nitrates would have to be very high to hurt your fish >300. Nitrates are removed by water changes and you said you did 2 water changes a week so I don't see how your Nitrates could be so high. Sounds like the helpful chap just wanted to sell you some Nitrate-minus (which I never heard of) and...
  15. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    I had pH issues back in November. Seneye support did eveything humanly possible to fix it and they did. I think I was one of the first people in the US to get one and the Seneye guys joked with me that I was their top man in their US division. Now I love my Seneye. Keep them updated and...
  16. KISSfn

    Fin Rot. Is It Healing Or Progressing?

    Sure. Just take the bio bag filter cartridge out of the Tetra filter and put the active sponge inside it instead.
  17. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    I have version 6.2 but hopefully this will work for you too. Turn Sonar back on. Uninstall Seneye. Right click on Norton Icon on Taskbar. Click Disable Virus Auto-Protect. Click OK. Reinstall Seneye. Right click Norton Icon. Click Enable Virus Auto-Protect.
  18. KISSfn

    Fin Rot. Is It Healing Or Progressing?

    You know men hear only what we want to hear...
  19. KISSfn

    Fin Rot. Is It Healing Or Progressing?

    We're not exactly neighbors! So I cried myself to sleep for nothing! :rofl:
  20. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    Yeah my Norton 360 stopped my install too. Had to disable Norton until install finished. Norton does have great live online chat support though.
  21. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    Be sure to clean the 2 windows where the slide sits on with a cotton swab or soft cloth as algae or a film can accumulate and interfere with readings.
  22. KISSfn

    Where Did I Go Wrong?

    A filter's primary job is not to put oxygen in the water. Best way to check if your filter is cycled is to test your water with a liquid test kit for ammonia, nitrite and nitrates. If ammonia and nitrites are higher than zero, your filter is not cycled and that's what killed the fish. Test...
  23. KISSfn

    Quick Help Needed On Resizing Photos For Upload

    You can resize them after you upload them to
  24. KISSfn

    Fin Rot. Is It Healing Or Progressing?

    Sorry, didn't realize pic would be so big. And I wouldn't be intentionally rude to a fellow Texan. I misread your post. I thought you meant NH3 reading would be the same as total ammonia reading. I apologize. :blush: My Seneye has spoiled me with it's NH3 readings to 3 decimal points...
  25. KISSfn

    Fin Rot. Is It Healing Or Progressing?

    API tests total ammonia (ammonia plus ammonium) in it's results. From Seachem's website: A salicylate based kit can be used, but with caution. Under the conditions of a salicylate kit the ammonia-Prime complex will be broken down eventually giving a false reading of ammonia (same as with...
  26. KISSfn

    Fin Rot. Is It Healing Or Progressing?

    I live to give! :rofl:
  27. KISSfn

    Fin Rot. Is It Healing Or Progressing?

    And do more and do it better!
  28. KISSfn

    Fin Rot. Is It Healing Or Progressing?

    I think Prime is superior to that and would only use Prime.
  29. KISSfn

    Fin Rot. Is It Healing Or Progressing?

    When you test for ammonia with an API test kit the result you get is an ammonia plus ammonium combined value. Also when using Prime with a salicylate based kit (as API and most kits are) you should take the reading right away after you do the water change for more accurate results. I recommend...
  30. KISSfn

    Fin Rot. Is It Healing Or Progressing?

    My pleasure! :good:
  31. KISSfn

    Fin Rot. Is It Healing Or Progressing?

    In that case glad to help! :good: Here's the link http://www.angelsplu...ltersSponge.htm You just need an active filter, 2 choices, not much difference in price so I'd get the one for a buck more! $8.25 plus shipping. Just take the existing media out of your current filter and put the...
  32. KISSfn

    Fin Rot. Is It Healing Or Progressing?

    Forget that part about the active filter if you live outside the US! Sorry I confused your post with another!:crazy::blush:
  33. KISSfn

    Fin Rot. Is It Healing Or Progressing?

    No such thing as a dumb question! What you said about Ammonia peaking etc. refers to a fishless cycle. Since you have a fish in your tank you are now in a fish in cycle. Your fish cannot tolerate the Ammonia and Nitrite spikes associated with a fishless cycle. A cycled filter has 2 types of...
  34. KISSfn

    My Seneye Review

    The guys at Seneye have always been great to me. They also gave me a free slide back when I was having problems with pH readings.
  35. KISSfn

    Fin Rot. Is It Healing Or Progressing?

    Glad to help! Prime is made by Seachem. :good:
  36. KISSfn

    Fin Rot. Is It Healing Or Progressing?

    Keep in mind the ammonia "remover" does not actually remove ammonia but converts it to ammonium which is less toxic than ammonia but still toxic. Also it's affect is temporary and the ammonium will convert back to ammonia. API ammonia test shows ammonia plus ammonium as a combined reading...
  37. KISSfn

    Very Sick Angel Fish

    So sorry for your loss...:rip: