Fin Rot. Is It Healing Or Progressing?

API tests total ammonia (ammonia plus ammonium) in it's results.

From Seachem's website: A salicylate based kit can be used, but with caution. Under the conditions of a salicylate kit the ammonia-Prime complex will be broken down eventually giving a false reading of ammonia (same as with other products like Prime®), so the key with a salicylate kit is to take the reading right away. However, the best solution ;-) is to use our MultiTest: Ammonia™ kit... it uses a gas exchange sensor system which is not affected by the presence of Prime® or other similar products. It also has the added advantage that it can detect the more dangerous free ammonia and distinguish it from total ammonia (which is both the free and ionized forms of ammonia (the ionized form is not toxic).

How is .50 mg/l ammonia safe for fish?

:lol: BAM! in my face. I wasn't exactly arguing with you. I was just saying that test readings will show ammonia if your tank isn't cycled, even though you use prime and it's safe for your fish.....for 24 hours at the most. AND if your tap water has ammonia.

When I do a 50 % water change my ammonia readings show .50 ppm ammonia. The next morning it will test at zero in a cycled tank. My tap water has 1.0 ppm. My filter will convert that quickly, but it will still show up on the API master test as 1.0 ppm ammonia right way if I did a 100% water change.

My point is that the tests will still show the ammonia as toxic, even if it is not.
Sorry, didn't realize pic would be so big. And I wouldn't be intentionally rude to a fellow Texan. I misread your post. I thought you meant NH3 reading would be the same as total ammonia reading. I apologize. :blush: My Seneye has spoiled me with it's NH3 readings to 3 decimal points.

Where in Texas do they put so much chloramine in tap water?
bell county :sick: Tastes nasty enough to drink bottled water too. lol Was teasing about the pic.
Sure. Just take the bio bag filter cartridge out of the Tetra filter and put the active sponge inside it instead.
I can not wait to get this active filter! These 1-2 daily water changes are for the birds. I could kill the guy at the LPS who told me all I had to do was put him in a bowl of water and change it 2x week. But, in the few short days that I've been testing the tank water and doing water changes twice a day, I've noticed thay his tail seems less red/brown on the ends and the clear regrowth is turning an irridescent opal color. I'm hoping this means he's on the way to a full recovery. His new regrowth seems to curl a tiny bit most on the bottom & top fins. Is that normal?
We are so lucky that since we live in the US we have the luxury of buying an active filter and not having to mess with cycling like people in most other countries. When I didn't know better I was stuck doing testing and water changes twice a day every day for weeks until a great person on this forum "Tolak" was nice enough to send me some of his mature media and let me know about Angels Plus. I've found that almost all pet store employees will say anything to make a sale. The fishkeeping industry has got to be one of the biggest scams involving pets. "Just buy a tank, fill with water, run filter a couple of days and add fish"! Nothing could be further from the truth. The cleaner your water, the faster your Betta will heal and avoid secondary infection. Sounds like your Betta is on his way to recovery.
I received the active filter yesterday. I did a 90% water change, because the water was showing ammonia & nitrite, and installed the new filter sponge. This morning I tested the water and nitrite was at 0, nitrate was less than 5.0, but ammonia was at .25ppm. Now, this is the first time nitrites have been at 0 in the morning. Usually they are between .5-1.0 every morning before a water change. My tap water's baseline ammonia is .50ppm. I take it as a good sign but shouldn't the ammonia be at 0 before the nitrite? Should I do a water change or should I just give it a little more time and restest tonight or tomorrow?
Did you test the ammonia right away after the water change? It will probably take a few days for your new filter to settle in. Retest tonight.

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