My Seneye Review

I've found over 6 months that my seneye is totally accurate and I'm more inclined to believe the seneye than test kits, but I could be wrong. Your nodding picture is very disconcerting - no offence meant.
If my aquarium wasn't such an established (4 years) one and wasn't so fastidiously maintained, I would tend to find the seneye readings more believable. However, having spoken with them they too agreed that something wasn't right. I'll reserve my judgement as to the performance of this slide over the next month. I had no reason to question the seneye on my first ever slide until I changed slides, where my seneye indicated pH changed from 7.3 to 8.2 - just by changing a slide! However, there have been a few software updates over the first slides life, and one directly after the last slide change too, so it's too early to make a proper judgement as there are too many factors/variables. Support has been excellent though, but I just can't trust what it's telling me at this stage.

What do you find disconcerting about the avatar ? (btw, it's head shaking rather than nodding :lol:). No offence taken. :look:

You're absolutely right - shaking not nodding. It's just there in the corner of my eye as I'm reading adding to my cynicism about this hobby (which I Love by the way)! Sensible to check out the Seneye for a while before you feel totally confident.
I've found over 6 months that my seneye is totally accurate and I'm more inclined to believe the seneye than test kits, but I could be wrong. Your nodding picture is very disconcerting - no offence meant.
If my aquarium wasn't such an established (4 years) one and wasn't so fastidiously maintained, I would tend to find the seneye readings more believable. However, having spoken with them they too agreed that something wasn't right. I'll reserve my judgement as to the performance of this slide over the next month. I had no reason to question the seneye on my first ever slide until I changed slides, where my seneye indicated pH changed from 7.3 to 8.2 - just by changing a slide! However, there have been a few software updates over the first slides life, and one directly after the last slide change too, so it's too early to make a proper judgement as there are too many factors/variables. Support has been excellent though, but I just can't trust what it's telling me at this stage.

What do you find disconcerting about the avatar ? (btw, it's head shaking rather than nodding :lol:). No offence taken. :look:

I had pH issues back in November. Seneye support did eveything humanly possible to fix it and they did. I think I was one of the first people in the US to get one and the Seneye guys joked with me that I was their top man in their US division. Now I love my Seneye. Keep them updated and they'll find a solution for you too.
What were your pH issues KISS ? I've read through this thread but I'm not clear on what the issues were or how they were solved. Perhaps I missed it ?
My pH read 6.4 (lowest on the Seneye scale) so the red pH light was constantly on and I was receiving warning emails and text messages for low pH. Seneye had me try a new slide and gave me a free slide. And they analyzed an extensive amount of data and they got my pH to read correctly through adjustments and software and slide upgrades. They did everything they could to fix my readings.
This is the situation since the slide change;

A quick update;


My pH according to seneye appears to have stabilised at around the 7.8 mark - only very marginally higher than liquid test kits say it is - so as it stands at the moment, I believe what seneye is telling me. What's interesting is that it took the new slide 24 hours or so to get to this level - and that's after the 24 hours of pre-soaking the slide had. I'm wondering if they have had a bad batch of slides or something ? I will of course be closely monitoring the seneye readings to see if I get a repeat of what happened with the last slide over a six day period (where the pH fairly quickly lowered for no apparent reason).

Another interesting thing which I've seen for the first time this morning is the temperature graph - the prediction has change from showing 6-8 hours worth to that of several days, even though the chart span is set to 'today'. This means I can no longer see the detail of what's happened over the past day without zooming in. I've tried changing the chart length to various other timescales and then back to 'today' but without success. I think the algorithm behind the prediction has got its knickers in a twist and needs resetting.
I remember reading that sometimes slides need to soak for more than 24 hours so I soak mine for 48. Seems to help. I tried recreating your temp issue on my laptop and android and couldn't get it to mess up. Since their Apple app is so new I would ask Seneye if they are aware of it and if they could fix it.
Do seneye state anywhere that more than 24hrs soak time might be required ? I've not seen it but I guess it could be buried somewhere...

The screenshot above, although taken from my iPhone, is not the seneye 'app' but just the iPhone's browser (safari). Neither the iPhone app nor the mobile site give graphs anyway.

Ive just checked on my PC (Firefox) and its the same - the prediction is always showing 48hrs worth of prediction, regardless of the scale selected on the graph. That means that when selecting 'today', you get up to 24 hrs of today's data and 48 hrs of prediction. i.e. up to one third of the graph is data and two thirds is prediction.

It's thus less of an issue with longer timescales like 3 days and above. The issue must be on their server/my account rather than platform specific.
I think I read it on their Facebook page quite a while ago. It must be your account or the server for your region since mine works. I'm sure Seneye can fix it though.
From Seneye:
More parameters
06/06/2012 So interests in the extra non life critical parameters has been relentless since we announced it at the launch of seneye, but as things are in a new company we have been distracted.
Good news we are now underway and as we reach important milestones we will let you know. The big question is when !? and to be honest we think we will be lucky to see it 'soon' but Christmas maybe possible.
We think the cost will be around £15 (€20, $24) for the device and the strips will be very cheap.
It will even work if you have don't have a seneye as the technology will be separate.
best bit you won't need to get your seneye out of the tank.... and no we won't tell you how it works even if you ask!
We just know your going to love it.
Hmm.... Sounds like a seperate device entirely then if you 'don't even need a seneye'.

Just reread the manual and it states that the slide should be soaked for a minimum of 24 hrs (48 hours for marine water). I guess I'll be soaking mine in future for 48 hours then... :hyper:
I guess the "digistrip" that was to be added to the existing device didn't work out. The extra parameters on the digistrip were to be Nitrates, Chlorine, General Hardness, Carbonate Hardness and Nitrites. I hope these and more are included on the new device.
The extra parameters on the digistrip were to be Nitrates, Chlorine, General Hardness, Carbonate Hardness and Nitrites. I hope these and more are included on the new device.

Indeed... I already manually test for all of those except Chlorine. I also manually test for Ammonia. I am still manually testing pH too for the time being, I will probably eventually only do manual tests of what the seneye does once per month, most likely in the middle of the seneye slide's life, just to keep that peace of mind - assuming I can become convinced the seneye is accurate of course... :crazy:

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