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  1. W

    My day out at stapley - water gardens

    i went there last year some beautifull tanks :wub: hoping to go next year when the giant water lilies are flowering :D here are some of the pics i took :)
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    New L029

    lovely :wub: i have a pair of these in my 4foot tank :wub:
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    My Kribs

    my kribs bred in a community tank in a peice of bamboo i did nothing special to get them to breed just made sure the water quality was top notch and that the fish were fed a quality diet i left the fry with the parents for as long as possible i have now taken them out and have them in my 24"...
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    Maidenhead Aquatics

    while i was in York the other week i nipped into a garden store what had a Maidenhead aquatics bit and was amazed at the prices of some stuff there were selling 1" albino and normal BN's for £10 :huh:
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    i have a corn snake he's about 4foot + really friendly and spends most of the time wrapped around my arm and shoulder :D was in my local reptile shop and there had a newly hatched beardered dragon thats what i would love to have once i have got all the bits for my spare 4foot viv
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    Your Biggest Catfish Picks

    mmmmm Kingspan is what we were thinking of using as most of the people we have talked to with fishrooms swear by it! the fish room is going to be a totally seperate building we are palnning on building in a kitchen into it as well to provide a food peperationg are as i by my own beef heart and...
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    Almost Killed My Best Male!

    hope he pulls round :/
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    Oh! My Pepper!

    really glad he's doing well he's a little fighter so a very ap name for him Rocky :D
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    Your Biggest Catfish Picks

    sorry i have been busy and havnt been able to get online till tonight i am still waiting back for planning permission for the fish room but here's pictures of the tanks we have got to make the ponds with we have 4 there are 8ft by 4ft at the moment we have plants in them to make sure there...
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    Your Biggest Catfish Picks

    yes i do know that i would never take a fish on if i thought for one second i could not house or provide adeqate care for them.I have spent the last 5 years researching thses fish and talking to people who keep these baeutiful catfish. You should never jump to conclusions and if you asked i...
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    Your Biggest Catfish Picks

    well for your information and now that i have calmed down enough post a reply this picture was taken ina 3ft holding tank while we moved the 5ft tank into a differnt postion where he is kept BY HIMSELF !!!!!! and as for my me not taking pride and care over my fish and that there care is not...
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    Anybody Own A Rare Fish, Or Would Like To Own One And Why?

    you both own the two fish that are on my wish list!!!!
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    On Ebay L-number Plec

    i thnk it looks like a queen Arabeque (L260)
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    Help Identify This Catfish

    i have some there about 4" at the mo but i had two that got to 18"
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    Your Biggest Catfish Picks

    18" asian red tail catfish
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    ok you asked for it theses are of woodie... :D and some of the others ty mags
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    C. Nigrodigitatus

    sorry totally of topic but....i didnt knwo Eddie Guerrero had died :sad: :-( :( :rip:
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    my little girly :wub:
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    New-born Baby Ferrets

    its the start of our fish room :D we are still looking to get enougher 30 tanks yet :nod: as i want to specialise more in breeding L numbers and chiclids and my o/h wants to get more LARGE catfish :rolleyes: i would love ferrets again when i'm sorted i used to go shooping with baby in my...
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    Meet Our Newest Additon

    yeah we keep them as pets there very cute and mischeivous :P we nearly bought some white ones but there had been badly inbred and had some health problems :sad: luckily this little girl is from a differnt family :)
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    This Weekends New Arrivals

    i think i will i hope there do last longer thanks for the advice :/
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    Meet Our Newest Additon

    :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
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    New-born Baby Ferrets

    i adored having baby ferrets when i kept them the only problem is i couldnt bare to sell them so ended up with about 30 at one time :wub:
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    This Weekends New Arrivals

    sorry should have said that the L255 are going in a well established tank that has been up and running for two years :rolleyes: the rest are going in my cycled tanks that have been cycling for 4 months now :biggrin:
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    This Weekends New Arrivals

    what a weekend all my new tanks have finished cycling now and have had danios in them to make sure for 5 weeks extra to make sure and this weekend i went shooping :D i came home with the shop called them false zebra plecs :rolleyes: but there the L236 and i came home with 2 of theseL236 pic...
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    My Humbug Catfish.

    i have four and there happily together :wub:
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    American Shark Catfish And Albino Channel Catfish

    getting to normal channle cats/wells/european cats at the end of the month to go in my 2900gallon pong :biggrin:
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    Picked Up 4 Neew Fish

    at the moment theere are in quartine but when there come out there going in a 3ft tank what i sfull of plants, bamboo and bogwood, so there all can have there own hiding places with a few spare one's :D
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    Picked Up 4 Neew Fish

    saw them in my LFS knew there were very nocturnal but i couldt resist them so i cam home with 4 three humbugs and one spotted there have been swimming around quite alot and...
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    Albino Bristle Nose

    i have 24 BN's 2 normals and 20 albino there lovel sorry you didnt get yours :( theres always some around quite cheaply :D have fun setting your new tanks up :)
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    My New Pleco........

    i know someone in the uK thats selling massive ones of them for £95 i was VERY tepmted beautifull fish :drool:
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    What The Hell Is This?

    sounds like an asian i have one pics below ignore the dirty glass these were taken as i was cleaning it :P and i am amzed if it is one of these that are oscars arnt dead there are known to take chunks out of bigger fish mine is housed by himself and has been known to try and bite my...
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    My Puppy -bee

    intoducing Bee my new labrador puppy, i own the father, sister and niece/sister ( out of her sister and her sire, sister is by a diffrent sire) we've called her bee as she sounds like one when she growls
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    Rekord 120 And Rekord 95 Both For £100

    we've just salavged a tank that a pet shop was going to throw aaway as it was cracked along the bottom all we've done is get a piece of glass cut and sealed the glass and its now totally waterproof i might be intrested in the tank depending where its smashed drop us a PM if you like... what...
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    3,500 gallon tank - what to put in?!

    i saw a lovely tank yesterday it was 15ft long-6ft wide and 4ft deep and it was full of rays, giraffees, other catfish, fire eel, and some flags, and it was drawdropping :drool:
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    My Perruno Catfish !

    thanks we have two new addditions as well to baby Tiger shovel noses :wub:
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    New Albino Not Very Active....

    my 3 bronze and 3 pandas are all on fine gravel and have been since there were little and are doing fine, as long as it isnt sharp gravel there going on there will be fine
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    My Perruno Catfish !

    wow beautifull :D we nearly go one along with our RTC but he was sold once we decided to go back and get him :no:
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    I Finally Got Apicture Of One Of My Albino Bn's

    :D not the best photo in the world taking that it was tkaing on my mobile phone :D
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    Sexing This Krib

    female Krib