New Albino Not Very Active....


Fish Fanatic
Aug 14, 2005
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I'm kind of worried about one of my new fish... I got 2 catfish last friday a peppered one which is doing fine, very active and inquisitive and a pinky/pearly albino which was fine in the shop but since introducing it to the main tank he/she/it doesn't seem to be doing too well.
It keeps hiding vertically behind my filter and never seems to move - if I didn't know better I'd say it was dead only it is still breathing! The only two times I've seen it swimming its as if it takes an awful lot of energy to move about and sinks to the bottom of the tank rather rapidly almost scudding off the gravel. Im aware that some catfish are active at night rather than the day but so far even after lights out it's still not been moving. There is also a indentation on its underside like a small circle with a faint gray line down it - at first I thought it was the sucker pad but now I'm not so sure... has anyone got albinos or knows what may be the cause of this? :-(

I would say 6. Plus corys require fine sand as substrate.

Into the point: Could you post your water spesifics?
Corys don't have sucker disks but yours looks to have ragged fins which could be finrot or something similar.How many other corys do you have as they like to be in big groups.

I noticed the finrot, can you issolate the fish as you will need a bacteria med, as it could be bacterial finrot, and corys are more prone to bacteria infections.
Sorry for being off topic but why do cories require sand? What's wrong with gravel seeing sense I have two in a tank with gravel?
It's mainly to protect there barbels, i have gravel as long as it rounded and not sharp it should be fine.
Hi Raven_24 :)

It looks like you have a sick cory there. If you can take it back to the lfs, I suggest you do so.

Corys do like to be in groups of at least 3, but more is even better. You will enjoy having more of them too because they become much more playful and friendly. Corys are schooling fish and unlike many schooling fish, they do interact with each other.

If your gravel is what I think it is, it has rounded edges and that won't hurt them. You will have to keep it very clean though. Fish wastes and uneaten food bits can work their way down there and if they are not regularly removed, the environment will not be as nice as it should be for them :D
Hmm thanks for the replies...I think I will be taking it back to the lfs and get a couple of other peppered corys for my lone one as the albino's not doing any better since I last posted. On the raggedy fins I had noticed that but it's only just appeared, I think one of my other fish have been having a go at it when the lights were out.
I can't move it as I only have one other smaller 2ft tank which is being inhabited by neons with ich that are getting treated with K.B white spot terminator... I will move them to my main tank eventually after they've gotten abit bigger and fatter coz if I put them in now my 3 silver sharks will probably munch them :/
I would say 6. Plus corys require fine sand as substrate.

Into the point: Could you post your water spesifics?

my 3 bronze and 3 pandas are all on fine gravel and have been since there were little and are doing fine, as long as it isnt sharp gravel there going on there will be fine
:thumbs: ahh all is well my albino is fine now so my panic is over, it's still got raggedy fins but it's not finrot. Been really active and happily swimming about the tank with the others...maybe it was just a long bout of fishy jetlag from being transported from the lfs. The gravel in my tank is ok its not sharp had the same gravel for over 10yrs from when the tank belonged to my brother and it's all worn down now. Thanks ppl. I have also named all my fish...much to the amusement of my partner(!) see my sig :look:
Hi Raven_24 :)

I just love to see a "sick fish" thread have a happy ending! :thumbs:

Your tank is undoubtedly healthy and clean for him to come around so well. :flowers:

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