New-born Baby Ferrets

I just don't understand why people can't get in touch with rescue centres when they have unwanted animals :dunno:. It's just a case of picking up the yellow pages and looking for local rescues or clubs or doing a quick Google search. There's simply no excuse for that sort of behaviour. I hope the poor little chap pulls through... my thoughts really go out to you! It's always a bit of an emotional strain when you're dealing with animals from those sorts of horrific situations.
Angel lady - great to hear your weasels are eating some ferret food. No ferret can resist chickeny goodness ;)
I just cant stand to see or hear about people being mean to a little animal for no reason. Why do people want to do such acts for. I just cant understand...I just hope and pray the little fellow pulls through ok..
Hi Guys

The little man, now called Benson, is doing OK at the minute - struggling to keep food down but otherwise he's doing much better - I will post a picture of the little darling later. Thanks everyone for your support it really means a lot to us - let's just hope he's OK.
This will make you angry AngelLady - the last prosecution we got was awful - the ferrets where so badly mis-treated but the owner got off so lightly - it makes me sooo angry. :angry:
The ferrets in his care where near dead and all he got was three years ban from caged animals, a conditional discharge and a fine - I know this may seem harsh but when you look at what the ferrets went through. :angry: :angry: :angry:
Anyway, I'll keep you posted about Benson.
How in the world did he manage to get a animal that small in the first place. Surley to God no one didnt sell him the baby at that age. I hope people burn in He** for such mean things like that. You know every thing on this earth was put here for a purpose and look at those sweet little faces in my signature. How could anyone do them any harm??? Such as burning them with cigarettes. Are you all going to try to get him punished for that???I surley hope so. I wish I could see the basta*D just one time..
We cannot trace the owner - so we don't know who he belonged to. He was just left on our doorstep.
He's off to the vet today to get his burn looked at - let you know how he gets on.
ok i figured it would be some chicken who would leave a baby at a door step to fend or its self till some one noticed it was there..
Makes me want to swear and swear and swear until I get banned from the forum! :grr:
This is just a suggestion I'm putting out there, don't feel like you have to humour me or anything but I just thought it might be worth mentioning: There's a product available from Vetark called 'Avipro Plus'. Here is a link to a little information about it -
It's designed with small animals, birds and reptiles in mind. I've used it for my leopard gecko, my giant day gecko, my brothers rats and my own ferrets all with positive results. The probiotic and prebiotic ingredients might just help to create some sort of balance in his stomach to help him keep down his food and aid his digestion.
Again, it's just something that came to my mind whilst I was reading your posts but I won't get funny with you if you don't want to use it or anything :rolleyes:.
Thanks xautomaticflowersx, the vet gave us some medication for him yesterday to help keep him food down so that's covered - thanks anyway!
The vet says that the burn is healing OK and won't be long till it becomes just a scab - he's also doing much better now and is having less trouble moving and doing stuff.

Thanks for your support.
i adored having baby ferrets when i kept them the only problem is i couldnt bare to sell them so ended up with about 30 at one time :wub:
We all know that feeling if we've got the space and money!

P.S. - Wow! I wish I could afford and had the room to keep all the tanks you've got! That's amazing - a tropical fish dream!
We all know that feeling if we've got the space and money!

P.S. - Wow! I wish I could afford and had the room to keep all the tanks you've got! That's amazing - a tropical fish dream!

its the start of our fish room :D we are still looking to get enougher 30 tanks yet :nod: as i want to specialise more in breeding L numbers and chiclids and my o/h wants to get more LARGE catfish :rolleyes:

i would love ferrets again when i'm sorted i used to go shooping with baby in my pocket we called her baby as she nnever grew to adult size :wub:
No problem on the Avipro thing... good to hear the wound site is doing better. Burns can be a nasty business. Hopefully after a few days of medication the little chap will start to pick up some more.
i would love ferrets again when i'm sorted i used to go shooping with baby in my pocket we called her baby as she nnever grew to adult size :wub:

Awww bless... it's amazing how small some jills are! I know some people with very small jills. One or two are not much bigger than a large rat!
We had a little Polecat jill once - full of charatcher! Probably about the size of a rat too! Called her Missy! She's sooo funny when she starts bouncing and playing!
I only have the one jill, Muddle. She's so comical when she starts bouncing about. She's got such a thick neck and tiny head with little short legs. Not really ferret-shaped at all :lol:. She still managed to win Supreme Champion at the club show last year though because her markings are so pretty!
Ooh and on Sunday it was this years' club show and my polecat hob Slinky came second in his category and my albino hob Moonshine came second in his category :wub:. They've both won first in their categories before, so I didn't tell them that they came second this time - didn't want to upset them :rolleyes:.

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