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  1. D

    Dying Fish

    There are no new decorations and I am using 2 filters. 1 Fluval internalfilter which came with tank and 1 Eheim external filter which I have been using for approx six months. I did a 25% waterchange after I tested the water. John
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    Dying Fish

    Hi I forgot to mention that they appear to have protruding eyes, lose colour and can be found swimming at the bottom of the tank. This may sound silly but iit tends to happen more in the late evening. John
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    Dying Fish

    Can anyone help me please? I have been losing fish regularly over the past few weeks. To date I have lost 4 Black Neons and 1 Lemon Tetra with another Lemon not looking to healthy tonight. I have just done a Water test withmy Sailfert Test kit and a water change. The fish I have at the moment...
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    Eheim 2213

    Hi All, I bought the above filter about a month ago and although it was slightly noisier than I thought it would be it was not too bad. However after I cleaned it last night it appears to much noisier. It does not sound like an air lock but more like a rattling sound. Has anyone had experience...
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    Dwarf Blue Gourami

    Hi All, My male Dwarf Gourami which I have had for approx 6 months now never seems to leave the bottom corner of the tank. Previously he seemed to be happier and swam about. He has been in with a variety of tetras since I got him with no problems until know. The rest of the fish appear to be...
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    Dwarf Blue Gourami

    I think he does look a bit pale and definately lethargic. I haven't noticed what it looks like when he goes to the toilet.
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    Dwarf Blue Gourami

    He is in with some Noen Tetras, Lemon Tetras, Serpae Tetras and Juli and Pepper Cories. He was given to me from another tank because they has two males and he was being bullied. He has had the same companions for the last six months and had been loking quite happy. John
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    Dwarf Blue Gourami

    Hi All, Iwonder if anybody out there can give me any advice. I've had my Gourami for almost six months and he has been fine up until now. However since yesteday he has been hiding behind one of the plants and does not seem to want to swim about. As far as I can see he looks to OK oherwise. Any...
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    Rio 400

    Thanks everybody for the quick replies. My tank would be in an upstairs room with a wooden floor board floor. My house is also a ex council bought house. I was wondering if I would hve to strengthen the joists .
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    Rio 400

    Why wouldn't you buy a juwel set up?
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    Rio 400

    Hi All, I'm thinking about buying a second hand Juwel Rio 400. Would I need to strentghen the floor to hold it? Thanks
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    What Would Your Choice Be?

    Thanks Bluetooth
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    Eheim Gravel Cleaner

    Thanks for the quick reply yabadaba. Thanks for the quick reply yabadaba.
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    Eheim Gravel Cleaner

    Hi All, Is the Eheim Gravel cleaner advisable to clean a sand sustrate or should I continue to use the manual syphon method. Cheers John.
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    What Would Your Choice Be?

    Thanks to all for the swift replies, looks like it will be the Rio then.
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    What Would Your Choice Be?

    Happy New Year to everbody. I have the option of buying either a secondhand Juwel Rio 180 or a Trigon 190. Which one would you advise to buy and why?
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    Which Filter

    Thanks Mattlee. Looks like more research. Nothings easy!
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    Which Filter

    Hi All, I'm looking at buying an external filter for my tank. So far it's between the Eheim Ecco Pro and the Tetra Tec EX700. Has anybody out there any experience of these filters or can you suggest another option. I have 2 tanks. One is 125ltr and the other is 200ltr.
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    Mark On Serpae

    Thanks wolfwolf
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    Mark On Serpae

    Hi All, Can anybody give me a bit of advice. When I was cleaning out my tank at the weekend one of Serpae Tetra got jammed down behind a piece of wood. He now has two white marks on his side. Is their anything I can do to aid his recovery. He does not appear to be bothered in any way and swims...
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    Hi All, I have recently been given a Dwarf Gourami by a friend who bought 2 males but found that they fought all the time. Can I have more than one type of male Gourami in my tank or will they also fight. Thanks in advance John.
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    Hi ALL, Is there any specific type of filter that I should use with a sand substrate. I have been using a Fluval 2+ but recently have changed from gravel to sand. Thanks in advance John
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    New Tank

    Hi All, Who manufactures the best tank in the range 180L to 240L. Cheers John
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    Test Kits

    Who supplies Salifert Kits
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    At the moment my fish consits of Lemon Tetra, Serpae Tetra, Neon Tetra and Cory's
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    Test Kits

    Hi All, Can anybody advise me on the best test kit to buy. At the moment Iam using the Tetra stip test but considering Iam about to get another tank (Juwel Rio 180) I think its time for something more accurate. John
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    Whay is the average lifespan of afish in captivity. John
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    Hi all, I have recently seen an advert for Bactozym which states that with the use of this product you can add fish to a new aquarium after a couple of days. Is this correct and does it save you from cycling your tank. It seems to be go completely against the requirement to cycle your tank and...
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    Cleaning Sand

    Hi All, What's the best way to clean sand before placing inthe tank. I would think you'd need some type of very fine filter.
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    Thanks DROBBYB
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    Hi All, What is the best substrate sand or gravel. At present in the tank I have Lemon Tetras,Serpae Tetras, Black Neons, Pepper Corys and Juli Corys. Thanks John.
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    Black Neon Swimming Sideways

    Hi All, Please can you help me. I have just come home to find one of my Black Neons swimming sideways. He does apear to be able to move quickly when another fish comes near him but then swims on his side again. My tank has been set up for around 7 months with no loses to date. I have been...
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    Small Snails In Tank

    Hi I don't know if it's a problem but I seem to have a lot of small snail like pieces in my tank especially on the glass. What is this and should I take them out. I don't have real plants and use gravel as a base so I don't know where tey have come from. Thanks in advance John.
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    Which Tank

    Thanks Rabbut
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    Which Tank

    Hi All, Which tank would you advise me to buy? I'm looking for a 240ltr and have been looking at either Juwel or Fluval?
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    Dwarf Chilids For A Community Tank

    All the species mentioned in the replies would be satisfactory. mI especially like the agassizi, ram bolivian ram and the Cockatoo. Can anybody suggest suitable tank mates.
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    Dwarf Chilids For A Community Tank

    Hi all, What are the best Dwarf Chilids for a community tank.
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    Dwarf Cichilds

    Hi all, Iwas thinking of stocking a 240ltr tank with dwarf chilids. I have noticed from the forum that they all appear to be bottom dwellers is this correct. If so what other species can I have in the same tank. I would like to stick to New World Chilids. Thanks in advance. :rolleyes:
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    Thanks Tom and Old Man 47 that reasures me. I did wash out my fiter in old tank water. Thanks for quick response.
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    Hi all, I'm a bit confused with this cycling of the tank. If you cycle your tank to build up the bacteria in your tank, and most of the bacteria is in the filter system, then why when you clean your filter medium during a water change does it not upset theset up of your tank. I think i'm...