Dying Fish


New Member
Apr 6, 2009
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Ilive in the North East of Scotland
Can anyone help me please? I have been losing fish regularly over the past few weeks. To date I have lost 4 Black Neons and 1 Lemon Tetra with another Lemon not looking to healthy tonight. I have just done a Water test withmy Sailfert Test kit and a water change. The fish I have at the moment are 6 Serpea, 5 Lemon Tetra, 10 Rasbora and 4 Cory's. All these have been in the tank for at least 3 months.

Tank Size 125 Lt

Ammonia less than .025

Nitrate approx 25

Nitrite 0

Water Change 25% weekly

Thanks John
Can anyone help me please? I have been losing fish regularly over the past few weeks. To date I have lost 4 Black Neons and 1 Lemon Tetra with another Lemon not looking to healthy tonight. I have just done a Water test withmy Sailfert Test kit and a water change. The fish I have at the moment are 6 Serpea, 5 Lemon Tetra, 10 Rasbora and 4 Cory's. All these have been in the tank for at least 3 months.

Tank Size 125 Lt

Ammonia less than .025

Nitrate approx 25

Nitrite 0

Water Change 25% weekly

Thanks John
Hi I forgot to mention that they appear to have protruding eyes, lose colour and can be found swimming at the bottom of the tank. This may sound silly but iit tends to happen more in the late evening.
if you have ammonia readings you need to do a water change ASAP

ammonia is highly poisonous to fish.

ANY reading of ammonia above 0 is a sign that something is wrong. keep doing water changes to keep the level at 0 until your filter can cope with the biowaste your fish produce

how did you cycle your tank?
what type of filter are you running?
any changes made to the tank recently? (new substrate, decoration?)

i think in gallons (american lol) - - 125 liters is about 33 us gallons....

6 Serpea, 5 Lemon Tetra, 10 Rasbora and 4 Cory's - - - you are stocked somewhat heavy - - your filter may not be able to cope with the waste being produced by these fish....
There are no new decorations and I am using 2 filters. 1 Fluval internalfilter which came with tank and 1 Eheim external filter which I have been using for approx six months. I did a 25% waterchange after I tested the water.
You need to get the ammonia down to 0. Test your water, do a large water change like 80% and then retest to make certain ammonia is 0. If you are losing fish regularly, it sounds like the tank may not be cycled, that is has not developed the biological filter. You will need to test your water daily and do a good water change to keep ammonia down to 0 at all times. It may mean large water changes daily. If you are surprised by any of this read the information in the beginner's resource center at the top of the YOUR NEW FRESHWATER TANK section of this forum.
Good luck.

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