
Some fish can live for a surprisingly long time, so yeah, it depends on what kind of fish.

As mentioned, each fish vary from a couple of years to a lot longer.

Clown loaches for example can reach 35-40 years when kept in the right conditions.

Have a quick search on the forums fish index for specific info on certain fish, if you cant find a fish then check google

I have several cories that I have had for at least 5 years, I don't know how old they were when I got them. I don't keep the rest of your stock.
I have cories over the 6 year old mark and a tetra which is 4+. Don't keep anything else on your list but do know many of the fish I currently have may well see me into retirement. (I'm 35) :blink: Although it won't be any of those named above.
I'm new to keeping fish and i have a dwarf gold ram cichlid, can any one tell me the average life span of this fish.
I'm new to keeping fish and i have a dwarf gold ram cichlid, can any one tell me the average life span of this fish.
(dwarf gold ram)
I've read that small cichlids from south africa have an average lifespan of 3 to 5 years.

And (just to continue repeating info I've read in fish society newsletters (so who knows how good the averages would be...))
Corys 5-8 years
neons 5-10 years
larger tetras like the lemons, serpae, 8-12 years


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