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  1. aquatics_mike

    Brownish Water?

    your right it doesnt harm the tank. but it does soften the water so keep an eye on that. can be bad for some fish.
  2. aquatics_mike

    Medicated Foods..

    alot of fish shops do sell frozen blister packs of it, simply just defrost and feed. or you can get a liquid version which you just pour over your frozen foods, or soak dry food in. just check dosage on the bottle. yea the garlic will be fine for herbivours.
  3. aquatics_mike

    Medicated Foods..

    iv only ever seen medicated koi foods in specialist shops. i feed garlic frozen foods and this helps keep infection and paracites away, just as a preventitive. other than that im not sure
  4. aquatics_mike

    Litres To Gallons

    litres all the way!!
  5. aquatics_mike

    Ok People, Venezia 190 Or Roma 240.

    heyy iv worked in a few aquatics shops and we#ve had the vicenzasse up as wet display and iv never heard of one problem reguarding leaks or what. they are very easilly put together and very secure. but you do also get caps for the holes so you can have them pluged up and have pipes over the back...
  6. aquatics_mike

    New Tank,old Filter Media?

    move the media over, and use as much water from the old tank as possible. shouldnt be a problem. top up the rest with conditioned tap water and use some cycle/ stress zyme just for good measure.
  7. aquatics_mike

    Beta Crisis

    keep up treatments, regual water chages, and get you water tested. what medication you using??
  8. aquatics_mike

    Silver Dollars

    Silver dollar Males have red in the anal fin.... then Red hook Silver Dollars have a much more vibrant red anal fin. Check it out
  9. aquatics_mike

    Tank Cooling

    got a few ideas... -try putting a cool pack or a bag of ice in the tank, will cool the water pretty nicely and gradually. -try block any natural light gettin onto the tank. -put a fan or something in the room to help keep it cool or keep window or door open to keep the room ventilated cheers mike
  10. aquatics_mike

    Large Or Big Shoal

    dwarf gouramis or honey gouramis would be good as a focus fish
  11. aquatics_mike

    Silver Dollars

    this aint a problem. people i worked with at one aquatics centre called them red hooks. its the males, the fin goes bright red and hooks round like alot of male fish fins do.
  12. aquatics_mike

    Rasbora Mouth Fungus

    if the salt dip has got rid of the fungus its safe to say you have taken the right course to get rid of the infection. dips can also be used for white spot and bacterial infections. there are natural treatments out there as well, which are made from aloe vera and tea tree. its api's Pima fix...
  13. aquatics_mike

    New Fish Hanging At Surface By Filter

    have you used any chemicals to help the tank cycle?? like Nutrafin Cycle or Stress Zyme. this stuff adds the bacteria needed to remove tese toxins into the tank. and a tiny pinch of fish food will also help as this rots away and provides an ammonia source for the bacteria to feed of and helps...
  14. aquatics_mike

    What Can I Put In This?

    heyy your tank is about 145 litres. that is big enough to keep a whole variety of tropical community fish. i have a similar sized tank and i have natural decor of wood, fine dorset gravel and plants... natural and plastic. in it iv got some three spot gouramis, clown loach, and a few pairs of...