What Can I Put In This?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 4, 2007
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Hey all! Im back!

Havent been on for awhile. Ive got more tanks and lots more fish. The only problem is that i dont have a camera any more :angry: . I have a large pond which has callop and WCMMs in it.

I found a tank and its approximate 90cm long x 32cmwide x 50cm high. What type of fish could i stock it with?

Thanks, Daniel
There are so many varieties out there so it would be easier if you can tell us what type of fish you like.
Are you looking for a shoaling fish?
Do you want colourful fish?
What type of set up are you after? ;)
Sorry should of gave you more info. I dont really mind what fish. I dont really care if the fish are colourful or not :blush: I basically want schooling fish and some that dont. Also maybe some different sizes. How many litres is the tank?

Thanks, Daniel
Would it be better to go to the petshop and write down the fish? I should be going on thursday.
your tank is about 145 litres. that is big enough to keep a whole variety of tropical community fish.
i have a similar sized tank and i have natural decor of wood, fine dorset gravel and plants... natural and plastic.
in it iv got some three spot gouramis, clown loach, and a few pairs of albino kribensis. all he fish get on well together, but the kribs do get quite aggresize when they breed.
its a great little set up which is nice and relaxed.
It's definitely worth writing a list of all the fish you like when you go to the lfs, helps you decide what you like and also you know what's available to you.
It's a good size tank so you have quite a few choices. Once you've got your list of what you like, post on here and we can help you decide. ;)

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