Rasbora Mouth Fungus


Fish Fanatic
Sep 13, 2007
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well my rasboras have settled into the tank now, but this morning i noticed a mouth fungus on 2 of the fish. So i read around a few web sites and have given them both a salt dip (with aquarium salt)

anyway i mixed up 2 Litres of water at 30g of salt per litre and dipped each fish in for 60 seconds, the fungus now seems to have dissapeared and the fish are back to their usual self.

i have also mixed in 4tsp of aquarium salt into my tank.

have i taken the right course of action, i dont really fancy using meds as i dont have a hospital tank or the means to set one up yet.

thanks for your help, Paul :good:

EDIT: i have also done a 40% water change. 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrite, Trace Nitrate
if the salt dip has got rid of the fungus its safe to say you have taken the right course to get rid of the infection. dips can also be used for white spot and bacterial infections.
there are natural treatments out there as well, which are made from aloe vera and tea tree. its api's Pima fix (for fungus) and Melafix (for bacterial infection).
if the salt dip has got rid of the fungus its safe to say you have taken the right course to get rid of the infection.

well thats what im not sure about, if it was the salt that got rid of the fungus or the physical thrashing about in the net as the fish was transfered.

Also did i use the correct amount of salt? it seemed like an awful lot to me and there is a lot of conflicting views on websites abot this?

Finally is it worth while putting salt in the tak at a low level? if so how much is safe with plants and inverts?


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