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    Finally Re-scaped My 180l Planted Comunity Tank

    Tank is looking Good! How are the shrimp and ottos getting on?
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    Fin Rot And Dead Otto

    Not tested water yet going to do that soon, i think the fin rot is quite bad on the tetra as it covers most of the lower half of the tail fin. I have some melafix i didnt know you couild use the two medications together. How long should i continue treating as i only thought you could treat for...
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    Fin Rot And Dead Otto

    Hi all i have been treating my tank as one of my tetras has fin rot. I have been using Myxazin by waterlife and i am now on the fith day of treatment. The finrot does not seem to be getting better and to make it worse i came home from work today to find ome of my ottos dead :-( all the other...
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    Wood Shrimp

    Hi all I have had my 2 wood shrimp now in my 15 gallon for about three weeks, they seem to be doing fine and one has shed its shell the other day so it must be growing. I thought it was a dead shrimp at first then realised it was a shell!!!! Anyway to the point of this thread. When i first...
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    Fin Rot

    sorry for the late reply wilder! i dont think there is any fin nipping going on, not that i see any way!! Im a beginner and even i know that it is strange for only one of my fish to have fin rot!! i will try the myxazin thanks again :good: very helpfull as ever
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    Fin Rot

    HI all one of my tetras has fin rot and i would like to cure him, this seems a little strange to me as only one of the fish has fin rot, out of 14 tetras!!! i have tried melafix with no effect so want something stronger what do you guys recomend? tank inmhabitants are 6 glowlight 4 rummy nose...
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    Videos! Sea Life Centre

    Ye the turtles were the best part of the day they were so big and i mean BIG but yet really gracefull and endangerd which is a real shame :-( . The ID of the rays and cats is not that important i was just wondering i know the videos are a bit unclear. thanks for all the nice comments :good:
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    Videos! Sea Life Centre

    Ye i thought you guys might like it!! Has anybody else visited the sea life center in birmingham? any ideas on the rays they are obviously freshwater, it said at the sea life center what type they were but i can not remember?
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    Videos! Sea Life Centre

    Thanks for the replys guys anybody know what the black cats and the rays are?
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    Videos! Sea Life Centre

    does know body like my videos? :(
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    Videos! Sea Life Centre

    Hi all i have now worked out how to post videos so here goes!! These are some videos i took form a recent trip to the sea life centre in birmingham, great day out i reccomend it!!! video1 giant sea turtle they have two of these one is 50 and one is 25 they are huge and way around 30...
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    Posting Video, Need Help!

    Hi i need help with posting videos!! On a recent trip to birmingham sea life centre i took some cool videos i thought you people would like to see!! The videos are saved on my computer, now how do i attach them to a post? do i need to create a link from the net or can i simply attach them...
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    Your Favourite Tetra

    My glowlights are my favourite they have so much character!! i have neons and rummy noses too but it has to be the glowlights!! :good:
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    Adding New Filter

    Hi thanks for the advice but the new filter is bigger than the old one so i dont think the filter media will fit. I think im gonna run three for a while then remove the old one when enough bacteria had built up in the new one! The one problem im thinking is how will i know when there is enough...
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    Adding New Filter

    Hi everybody hope all is well in the fish world. I want to add another filter to my 15 gallon tank, which allready has 2!! One of the existing filters is a bit older as it was given to me, it makes more noise than the other. I just bought a fuval one to add to the tank instead of this filter...
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    Fin Rot

    just went to my lfs and got some melafix. I have allready got some interpet anti internal bacteria. Which one should i use as i know i can not use them together? i could not find any of the other recomended medication, thanks for your help :D
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    Fin Rot

    Hi thanks for the help allready i thought that the stocking levels where just about ok? the tank is over filterd and i do regular water changes. the tank has been established about two months, i live in the UK and sorry i cant get a decent picture where you can see the fin rot. any meds that...
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    Fin Rot

    Hi All i have noticed that one of my tetras has fin rot, its one of the neons but none of my other fish are showing signs and all seem fine. Should i treat or will it recover on its own? also if i treat what product is safe for all my fish and shrimp? i can not add salt as i have learnt it is...
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    Wood Shrimp

    update on shrimp I have bought some fry powder food and been feeding with a dropper and the shrimp seem to be eating! One of them has started to go red which is a good sign i believe!! Thanks again for the help pookpook are you against owning wild caught animals? i believe it to be ok as...
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    Wood Shrimp

    Thanks for the help guys i think im gonna get some fry food and try feeding them that way. cheers again :good:
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    Wood Shrimp

    Hi all I went to World Of Water near Rugby, West midlands yesterday with the intention of getting two more ottos and some ammino shrimp. At the shop they did not have any ammino shrimp but they had Wood Shrimp which i had read bits about and established that they are filter feeders. There was...
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    Beginner With Various Questions!

    any more suggestions? thanks for the advice Tolak :good:
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    Beginner With Various Questions!

    Hi Everybody i Have a few questions but first i will post my tank stats. 60 litre tank, two rena filters 6 glowlihght tetra 4 neon tetra 4 rummy nose tetra 1 otto tank stats nitrite 0 ammonia 0 ph 7.6 nitrate 10-20ppm temp 76 now the questions!! :good: 1, recently one of my rummy nose...
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    Otto Feeding

    hi everybody i bought an otto about two weeks ago he seems fine but is not that active.Also i have never seen him eat i have tried feding him alage wafers, cucumber and lettuce. Are these the correct foods? are ottos best kept in pairs? thanks
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    Sick Gourami

    Hi i have recently been treating my gourami for a internal bacterial infection. Which was deemed to be the cause of the red spot on its side, the red spot has started to go but the gourami now looks swollen and breathing heavily!! i have been away for the weekend and not monitored the fish and...
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    Red Spot On Gourami

    alright i will have to sort out a water change tomorrow thanks for the advice
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    Red Spot On Gourami

    oh dear the salt has allready gone in can it do that much damage? thanks
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    Red Spot On Gourami

    hi i bought some anti internal bacteria by interpet as my lfs did not have the other one. I also bought some aqurium salt as the guy at the lfs said this would also help. I added the med today with the correct dose for my size of tank but the instructions are a bit crappy do i add again in 4...
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    Red Spot On Gourami

    thanks i will deffinatley give that a try! one more question though, will fins that have been corroded with fin rot grow back eventually? thanks wilder
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    Red Spot On Gourami

    thanks for the advice!! will these products treat all the fish? thanks again
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    Red Spot On Gourami

    Sorry Bit of confusion there i live in Coventry, England
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    Red Spot On Gourami

    not too sure about the ulser then but has deffinatley got bacterial infection! What do you mean my location for the med? i dont have a hospital tank so the med will have to go in the main tank with the other fish! What about the signs of fin rot on some of the tetras? can you recomend some...
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    Red Spot On Gourami

    any more ideas on treatment? please :good:
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    Red Spot On Gourami

    here are my water test reults nitrite= 0ppm ammonia= 0ppm ph= 7.6 nitrate = 10-20ppm so the water looks fine to me!! how do i treat with salt? and what about the possible fin rot on the tetras? thanks for the help
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    Red Spot On Gourami

    Oh dear i need help! today i have noticed that my dwarf gourami has a red spot on one side of its body and a small lump that looks like an ulser on the other side? some of my other inhabitants ( mainly tetras) have now got what looks like a white film and some corrosion on ther fins!! Are they...
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    My Gourami Died

    I feed my fish on flake food with a small pinch once a day. I have also fed frozen daphina twice in the two week period that i have had the fish. I have bought some waffer for my otto but he dosent seem to eat them so i took them out of the tank and am now trying him on a piece of cucumber! What...
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    My Gourami Died

    Hi all Sad day today one of my gouramis has died :-( and just when i thought it was going so well. The story starts with one of my gouramis ( i did have two both female) was looking slightly ill yesterday not swimming too right and looking slightly off colour. I woke this morning and the...
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    Finally Got Fish!

    Thanks dwarfgourami I picked females due to the low aggression levels compared to males and i still think they are lovely fish. i think i am going to get some shrimp but would also like a few other fish! at the moment the tank still looks a bit empty :( I have also thought about some african...
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    Finally Got Fish!

    im posting to move this back to the top please help!!