My Gourami Died


New Member
Aug 29, 2006
Reaction score
Coventry, UK
Hi all

Sad day today one of my gouramis has died :-( and just when i thought it was going so well. The story starts with one of my gouramis ( i did have two both female) was looking slightly ill yesterday not swimming too right and looking slightly off colour. I woke this morning and the gourami was still alive but had got worse it had gone a dark silver colour and was laying on the side on the bottom. Got home from work and it was dead. Yesterday morning this fish looked fine and has deteriated very quickly all my other fish are fine. the gourami looked more of a silver colour and was bloated when it died also its fins looked slightly ragged which i had not noticed before. any idea why it died?

water stats

ammonia 0

nitrite 0

nitrate 20

PH 7-7.4

other tank inhabitants

1 female gourami

4 rummy nose tetra

3 neon tetra

3 glowlight tetra


15 gallon

2 rena filters

fully cycled bofre adding fish

thanks i will be greatfully for any help

RIP gourami :-(
if they were dwarf gouramis...notorious for bacterial infections and i believe that the stock we get nowadays are very poor quality. I will not keep them anymore because of this. :no:
Sounds like the fish had a bacterial infection which gouramis are very prone to.
What do you feed the fish?
I feed my fish on flake food with a small pinch once a day. I have also fed frozen daphina twice in the two week period that i have had the fish. I have bought some waffer for my otto but he dosent seem to eat them so i took them out of the tank and am now trying him on a piece of cucumber! What do ottos like to eat apart for alage as there is not a lot of alage in the tank at the moment?

thanks for the help
More variety in frozen foods, but the daphnia is good for digesting the fish food.
Get some veg in there diet.

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