Fin Rot


New Member
Aug 29, 2006
Reaction score
Coventry, UK
Hi All

i have noticed that one of my tetras has fin rot, its one of the neons but none of my other fish are showing signs and all seem fine. Should i treat or will it recover on its own? also if i treat what product is safe for all my fish and shrimp? i can not add salt as i have learnt it is bad for the ottos skin, any other suggestions?

thanks in advance


15 gallon
2 rena filters

4 rummy nose tetra
4 neon tetra
6 glowlight tetra
3 otto
2 bamboo shrimp

Water stats

ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 10-20
ph 7.6
Your tank is over stocked, but the levels seem ok, I would treat the fin rot, not sure what meds would be best though possible melafix, someone else will know
That is a really busy tank, how long has it been running? Columnaris often imitates fungus, and is more common than a true fungus, posting a pic would help.

Posting your location would help as well, different meds are available or unavailable in different countries.
Hi thanks for the help allready i thought that the stocking levels where just about ok? the tank is over filterd and i do regular water changes. the tank has been established about two months, i live in the UK and sorry i cant get a decent picture where you can see the fin rot.

any meds that would be safe for the whole tanks occupants?

thanks again for the help :good:
Myxazyn is good for bacterial issues, whether it's fin rot or columnaris. This would be a good starting point, I've heard good things about the Waterlife brand of meds, which are not widely available here in the US.
just went to my lfs and got some melafix. I have allready got some interpet anti internal bacteria. Which one should i use as i know i can not use them together?

i could not find any of the other recomended medication, thanks for your help :D

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