Finally Re-scaped My 180l Planted Comunity Tank


UKAPS member
Mar 12, 2007
Reaction score
Coventry, West Midlands
Gone from this which had gotten a bit run down and algae infested since this photo was taken:


to this:



Not 100% finished but will be soon. Theres stem plants at the back on the left and middle/right which you can't see as they are quite short at the moment. My hope is they'll grow nice and tall and bush out :)

Also planning to carpet a some glossostigma accross the front/middle :) Then its time to add some more fish. Current fish are:

6x Pentazona barbs
6x Harlequin rasboras
4x Leopard danios (and 2 fry in the breeding net!)
1x CAE (about 5" long!)

Comments greatly appreciated :)
Wood is really stunning.
Really nice tank.
I suppose it would be nicer with a lighter sand though.
Stunning tank never the less.
Wood is really stunning.
Really nice tank.
I suppose it would be nicer with a lighter sand though.
Stunning tank never the less.

I specifically chose the darker sand, its Hagen natural river sand, andis basically a dark slate colour almost, with lighter bits in it. The grain size is larger than silicone sand, but notvery large. Ideal middle ground for plants I feel :)

Thanks for the feed back so far!
Looks good Dev, I have just put some wood like that in my tank. :good:

When the plants fill out it will look great.
Thanks all :)

I'm going to take some better pics tonight while the main tank lights are on (that was only 25w of light). Think I'll give the glass a clean too ;)
180g for plants you wana rip all of that out and get some big fish in their :lol:
its 180L (40g) not 180g, wouldnt get many big fish in there
I like the dark sand, it really brings out the greens of the plants
I'm definately a fan of smaller shoaling fish at the moment. Infact, I'd ideally like to re-home my CAE to make space for more fish than I am already planning to add.

I'm hoping to add another 6 pentazonas, 4 harlequins, maybe 2 more danios (+2 fry). Total numbers after this would be 12 pentazonas, 10 harlequins, 8 danios, 2 ottos and 2 bamboo shrimp (and CAE).

I'd love to add some Sterbai cory's seeing as I have a more sandy substrate now. Also, I'm considering adding some cherry shrimp at some point too.
Fine mate! I was worried about one of the ottos, as I hadn't seen it for a while, but they're both very happy it seems in the new re-scape. I've seen them both at the same time, and seen them more in the last week than since getting them. One of the shrimp has taken to hanging from the bit of wood on the left, and filteing food from the current that comes down the front of the tank :)

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