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    Does anyone know the plant?

    hi! today what concerns me is that I've had this plant for quite a few years in most of my tanks now and I don't know what it is,, it grows with 5 leaves arranged in a 5 point star-like pattern but is really lanky and thin, also it seems to be a stem plant and it gets its tips red when growing...
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    29-gallon aquarium stocking ideas

    yo, both of those fish are social animals, keep 10 of each, not 1 and 2
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    Stocking ideas for a 20 gallon (High)

    maybe you could do some rare apistogrammas, tetras, and corydoras, there are a lot of rare species of those 3 fish out there that can breed in the aquarium and live in 20 gallons, also those 3 fish are compatible with each other and like softer water
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    Stocking ideas for a 20 gallon (High)

    soft water ain't no good for calvus and as @Bruce Leyland-Jones said, most fish don't like artificially buffed water. Also, calvus need at least 30 gallons so you are 10 gallons short.
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    betta dad rearing

    will do! the father's tank and the breeding tank are the same volumes, both with the same water change regime, temperature, and filtration, so now the only thing left to start is the experiment
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    betta dad rearing

    good to see someone else with experience on the matter. I do suspect them to be males so that can help with them being bigger as you said. I think that their dad might have fed them and that is why they had more food with him since I really didn't feed any baby foods in the dads tank. but the...
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    betta dad rearing

    Hi everyone! Today I just want to talk about something I noticed while breeding bettas for the second time in my life. whenever I researched betta breeding I saw that people recommended removing the dad after the babies became free-swimming (around 3 to 4 days after birth) and so that is what I...
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    One fish you really want but you dont have.

    I know I already gave my opinion but, I just decided I want to bless the day of whoever doesn't know the dwarf moray eel with these pictures: isn't it the cutest prettiest saltwater fish ever?
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    One fish you really want but you dont have.

    freshwater: black bass saltwater: dwarf moray eel
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    All the aquatic animals you’ve kept

    betta splendens blue gourami Patzcuaro dwarf crayfish guppy (lots of breeds) red-eared slider horse leech pond snail ramshorn snail otocinclus oranda goldfish assassin snail cherry shrimp pepper corydoras common pleco bristlenose pleco Nile tilapia Malaysian trumpet snail hermit crab goodea...
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    Cycled? What should I stock?

    the tank doesn't seem cycled to me, give it a bit more time and with that, the whole biofilm situation will also sort itself out. don't worry that much about the height, most of the fish suitable for a 5 gallon appreciate more the horizontal space than the vertical space. a single pea puffer...
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    Unpopular Opinions (fish related)

    I find it really hard for a beginner to be able to breed plecos or bettas, they ain't easy nor intuitive.
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    hypancistrus inspector vs hypancistrus contradens

    i see, thanks a lot! will use planet catfish for all my loricarid research from now on (and seriously fish), after checking the photos i realised that the shared pics between species belong to H. contradens
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    hypancistrus inspector vs hypancistrus contradens

    Hello, today as i was watching some fish stuff i decided to research a little further the hypancistrus family, my two favourite are hypancistrus debilittera and hypancistrus contradens, the thing is that as i was searching for contradens i found that i was being recommended inspector stuff, and...
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    What is on my driftwood?

    looks to be a fungus, driftwood can grow white mold while cycling, maybe it is that.
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    Otocinclus internal bleeding!

    I do it once a week, yes i do test my water, i don't think it is bad water quality since i did a water change just 3 days ago, i guess what @Colin_T said was the answer tho, maybe it was looking for more oxygen and now that the water has had time for the changes to do effect, it has stopped...
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    Otocinclus internal bleeding!

    It stopped doing it so i guess it was just that
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    Otocinclus internal bleeding!

    Understood. Hey, the oto is sticking his nose out of the water or siting on the filter intake, what does this mean?, it has been doing it since yesterday. I already added an airstone in the morning and put the filter to max power to increase surface agitation as much as possible, and i just...
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    Otocinclus internal bleeding!

    Of course, only on water change water
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    Otocinclus internal bleeding!

    Thanks a lot!! Will do, the filter was cleaned just a few days ago but i'll do it again for good measure. I already added an air stone for more oxygen, i will keep you updated. O ce again thanks for yout help
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    Otocinclus internal bleeding!

    I was wachting my fish when i noticed this oto had a bloddy spot on his head, he is behaving normaly but i am still worried, what can i do or expect? Is there a way to stop the bleeding? Is there a danger to it? Maybe it is a bruise but i doubt it because of it's bright red color. Please help me.
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    Definetly inspired me! Thats so cool!
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    Can't get tank hot enough to beat ich

    glad i could help, keep us updated on how it works out for you
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    Pineconing or are all fish scales like this?

    It looks healty, it is just it's little scale texure, i've had pineconing/dropsy and it doesnt look like that, it looks horrifying.
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    Can't get tank hot enough to beat ich

    I also use paraguard for disease treatment and for quarantine in new fish, really great product 100% recommended
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    Can't get tank hot enough to beat ich

    In my experience sensitive fish don't react badly to salt as long as you are careful with the ammounts
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    Fish tank questions

    Nerium arent related to azaleas, also don't use them since they are super toxic (no Bueno!) manzanitas and azaleas are in fact related since both are from the family Ericaceae but azaleas are Rhododendrons while manzanitas are Arctostaphylos, one could assume then that most trees from the...
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    Can't get tank hot enough to beat ich

    oh, that's bad :( I said it because mine does get up to 94, then keep them there and try a noninvasive external disease medicine, I use seachem paraguard since it doesn't affect my plants nor my beneficial bacteria and it is a general cure for all external diseases, (for internal I use other...
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    Fish tank questions

    in my lfs big nice pieces of these woods are around 200-300 pesos (9.6-14.5 dollars)
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    Can't get tank hot enough to beat ich

    if your heaters reach 84 in 89 then just crank em up to 94 and they should reach 89, just keep a close eye in case it goes above 89
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    Fish tank questions

    spider wood comes from the roots of certain plants like azaleas. and now we all know to boil our free wood before using.
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    What fish have gone up in price from Covid?

    well. Here in Mexico things tend to be cheaper, but fish did show a slight increase in price during covid, for example, fancy Thailand bettas went from around 200 pesos to 300, and rare fish remained still as rare but more expensive as well, a good example are calico bristle noses, they were...
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    Bettas are mistreated...

    cut all ties with that person, they are just stupid and bad, they refuse to be informed because they don't want to accept that they were wrong, even if it brings pain or endangers an animal.
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    Bettas are mistreated...

    then steal his betta and give it the life it deserves
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    Bettas are mistreated...

    yeah, me too, if only i was a wild betta in the jungles of south east asia