What fish have gone up in price from Covid?


Fish Herder
Dec 10, 2018
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Inflation is forever..but I was told the whole covid thing has made it hard to get fish that used to be the standards and rare fish have skyrocketed in price if you've seen the prices on L Pleco's.
I was thinking of adding more Clown Loaches but had to drop that idea when $12 for a small size become $35. Albino Danios were always available. Not now. Not here at least. Not at any fish store.
How about your area?
Well my mollies were £3 per fish and the 2 “loaches” that turned out to be CAE’s cost £5.90per fish I got refunded £6 after taking them both back..it’s a long story

Anyhow I don’t know if this helps?

Oh and I think I paid around £6 for my Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami and I bought a few guppy fry at 50p a fry
Depends on how much they cost in 2019. Don't you dare mock me!...ah,kidding!😉
Hey,maybe in Europe breeders have kept up. I was told that wholesalers were having trouble getting things shipped because they had no workers..or few,to do what was done since time began.
I mean,1" or so Clown Loaches for $30:fish:too much.
In the UK I was told the cost of freight had gone up 50%. As a temperate island we ship in the majority of species. Neon tetra that can be packed 1000's to a crate spread the cost and the consumers don't notice/ mind the small increase. Whereas bottom dwellers and semi aggressive/ aggressive fish that cannot be packed densely have highly inflated prices and are therefore often rejected by the customers.
Long chat with a manager at Maidenead Aquatics and, besides Covid, Brexit has complicated some imports, especially those from Eastern Europe, who want to trade but are unable to do so.

(Please PLEASE do not be tempted to turn this into any political rabbiting, thank you. There are other places on Thinternet for such joyous discussions ;) ).
No,no politics or medical advice. Just interesting to see and hear what fish became "hot" and the rest close to the same. But I did notice the longfin Corys and Ancistrus..went from expensive to very expensive. Even plain Danio's about doubled in price.
Some of the fish at my LFS went up in price, mainly the neon tetras. They went from less than $2 each to almost $5!
Apparently, some suppliers are used because they offer a better value, ie more fish for the money.
If that supply is interrupted, then a Plan B is put into place, perhaps with a source offering the shop less value, where the shop has to pay more for the fish.
This isn't always a bad thing, because, quite often, the more expensive fish are more expensive because they're of a better quality. ;)
You can't suggest that because that is olden day stuff and is now not relevant. We are in the modern times we just go to the shop and buy everything we want these days.
Oh come on.... This is demonstrably false per your last thread about breeding fish.

If someone can find the right market, now is an excellent time to be breeding fish.

I have not noticed an uptick in costs at the local LFS but I don't typically buy fish from them anyways. I have seen prices go up at our local family owned Italian restaurant and that I definitely noticed.
Neither of my UK based suppliers have increased costs but then they both breed their stock anyway and only import to order. They have not had any importation issues due to political or pandemic changes.

I think alot of it is blown out of proportion by pot stirring media just to raise the blood pressure of readers. And those suppliers who are increasing the cost onto their customers are usually money grabbing little wotsits who see a worldwide issue as an excuse to make money.
well. Here in Mexico things tend to be cheaper, but fish did show a slight increase in price during covid, for example, fancy Thailand bettas went from around 200 pesos to 300, and rare fish remained still as rare but more expensive as well, a good example are calico bristle noses, they were pretty rare already but the price for a juvenile went from 140 pesos to 200 pesos, my chocolate blue-eyed bristle nose cost me around 260 pesos but he was already a mature full-grown adult.
the ones that did have a dramatic increase in price were plants, amazon sword pre covid was around 50 pesos, after covid, they are around 200 pesos, anubias were 160 pesos, they are now almost 300, java ferns went from 90 to 110 pesos, and guppy grass went from 40 to 60 pesos.
what I have noted as well is that even tho rare fish are just as rare, some of the common fish and inverts became quite hard to find

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