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  1. G

    Identify this pleco?

    ill be damned then, i own a green dragon but this statement and this pic of the fish is what leads me to believe that it is a calico-chocolate mix, my female looks like that and she was sold to me under those colors
  2. G

    Is this Hole in the head?

    it seems like it, do you use activated carbon in your tank? I've heard it is one of the main causes, in case you do remove it and do two consecutive 80% water changes to remove all traces of it, this should help. Other things that can cause it is Hexamita parasites, you may want to treat the...
  3. G

    Identify this pleco?

    I doubt it is a green dragon, seems more like a young chocolate-calico mix, I own one which looks the exact same, but if it is a green dragoon then I'm all in, I mean, who wouldn't want their pleco to be higher grade jajajaja
  4. G

    Identify this pleco?

    that is a female longfin bristlenose pleco. I have a young female bristlenose pleco just not in longfin and she has those white bits on the fin and the same color pattern
  5. G

    Trouble Breeding Your Fish?

    I have heard of chemical sterilization, and it is quite a common strategy, in fact, the bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) and the grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon Idella) being sold to pond owners looking to use them as algae eaters in their ponds are sterilized either by chemicals or by...
  6. G

    Coconut fibre safe ?

    it is safe, but it can get messy
  7. G


    they cant, viruses usually are specialized on a type of animal cell (either broadly or specifically) covid in mainly specialized on mammals so fish are 100% safe
  8. G

    New tank project....

    100% agree with you, the more plants there are the higher productivity an environment will have and as such it will be able to sustain greater biodiversity for way longer
  9. G

    New tank project....

    I think I like idea #3 the best, but #2 is also really good, my only problem is idea #1 since only having Vallisneria would create a low productivity environment which can prove difficult to become self sufficient
  10. G

    New tank project....

    ok, that's a great tank size! I would recommend you use the 29 gallons since more water volume means more stable parameters and as such fewer problems if something happens and you cant take proper care of the tank for a few weeks. A dirted tank would offer the best results since you would not...
  11. G

    Trouble Breeding Your Fish?

    sadly I have seen that too, people in stores and importers who as you say don't care about the animals or the people as long as they can get their sweet money yeah, stick with him if you have that certainty that the fish are not being manipulated. I have seen it! mainly when people are...
  12. G

    Trouble Breeding Your Fish?

    that is so cruel to the fish in my opinion, and also it does feel like a scam, I have never had that happen to me but I would be really angry if I discovered that the fish I bought were messed with just because some dumb person doesn't want to see another person breeding fish, sounds to me like...
  13. G

    New tank project....

    hi! I hope you are doing well at the moment. a Walstad tank sounds like a good option, the best inhabitants of a Walstad tank are those who can find food on their own in a Walstad environment, and that in general like slightly acidic tanks, hardy fish are also good for obvious reasons, low tech...
  14. G

    What Fish Do You Keep?

    well, have you seen when a dog "runs" in its sleep? it looks something similar, the betta will be resting sideways and just slightly move but they only do this once the lights are off. I doubt they have nightmares of piranhas or cats since they don't know them lol, if I had to guess I would say...
  15. G

    What Fish Do You Keep?

    bettas do love their broadleaf plants, I have seen my dragon betta sleep in the uppermost leaves of my nymphoides Taiwan, he only uses the ones closer to the surface so it is quite easy to see him do it, I know fish technically don't sleep but at night after a long day of playing and eating he...
  16. G

    What Fish Do You Keep?

    -betta splendens: .royal blue doubletail .black orchid crowntail .royal blue crowntail .blue marble doubletail .red dragon halfmoon -mutt guppies -blue gouramies -blackfin splitfin (Rio Lerma population) -Nile tilapia -wild type molly -green swordtail -red cherry shrimp -red sakura shrimp...
  17. G

    What's next?

    I just got another idea! Reticulated hillstream loaches. They are easy to breed and easy to keep and they can live in a 20 gallon long. you just need a sandy substrate with big round river rocks and some wood, some strong lighting, cold water, and a river manifold filter. they are herbivores...
  18. G

    What's next?

    that's understandable, they can cost a pretty penny maybe in the future you could try them. that is the reason why the female should be left in the tank even after mating, a lot of breeders take her out after the eggs have been taken up by the father just like we do with betta splendens and...
  19. G

    funny idea

    since I lack enough space what i do is that I put paper between the betta tanks to save space but prevent them from seeing each other
  20. G

    funny idea

    unless you painted it there is no way of knowing if the paint is aquarium safe, also trough the holes they would be able to make out each others shape (especially through holes big enough for neon tetra to pass through) and also sense the presence of each other through chemical signals and smells,
  21. G

    funny idea

    that is exactly what i said, ti would cause too much stress for them to be sparring and flaring all day every day
  22. G

    funny idea

    could work, but if the males see each other all the time they could spar and flare, well, all the time, for a few minutes every week or month it's ok and it is one of the most popular betta enrichments, (a sparring/flaring competition with their own reflection using a mirror) but doing it every...
  23. G

    What's next?

    or maybe in the 20 gallons, you could do a pair of betta macrostoma, a paternal mouthbrooder with excellent baby care, they are better kept in pairs that they form naturally (like angelfish, discus, or snakeheads) they will not fight nor be aggressive towards each other and even tho the male is...
  24. G

    What's next?

    oh, then go for some of the rarer plecos, if you can fit a 30 gallon in your fish room then you could try going for some hypancistrus contradens or some hypancistrus debillittera l129, they are the same to breed as bristle noses but with more meat and fewer veggies in their diet
  25. G

    What's next?

    you could breed bristlenose plecos
  26. G

    Does anyone know the plant?

    Doesn't look to be an elodea, looks a bit more similar to some hydrilla species
  27. G

    Does anyone know the plant?

    The 2 other i do know what they are already, i mean the one that appears on all photos
  28. G

    Does anyone know the plant?

    Its late at night so the pics aren't the best. But hope it is enough
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