What Fish Do You Keep?

I only have two fish aquariums going right now. A native tank with a green sunfish, a creek chub, and a madtom that I rarely see.
In my tropical tank, I have mollies, lemon tetras, and blood fin tetras.
I also have some feeder guppies in a tank. I decided that they were too small to use as feeders just yet, so I’m trying to get some size on them. But I kind of like them, so their fate is uncertain at this time. I expect to need that tank soon for raising newt larva.
Reptiles and amphibians are my main hobby.
The way I am organizing this:

Name, the tanks they are in, amount of whatever, and then a little note.


#1 90 gallon glass custom tank (48"x18"x18") with an Fx5, biochemical sponge filter, and Aquaclear70. Overfiltered
#2 55g acrylic (48"x15"x18") patio tank unheated. Filled halfway. Filtered by plants and frequent water changes
#3 42g patio pond. Half a barrel with pond liner. No filter. Plants and frequent water changes
#4 29g glass. Nano+ Water Sterilizer to control algae, and filtered by something I don't remember.
#5 42g patio pond. Half a barrel with pond liner. No filter. plants and frequent water changes. Not stocked yet.

All my fish I keep:

- Florida Flagfish [tanks #2 and #3] (3 in #2 and 6 in #3) {These fish are very good algae eaters. They are quite active, and like groups}
- Rosy Barb [#3] (6) {Pretty fish. All are really pretty and will pick at algae. They are skittish.}
- Gymnogeophagus Terrapurpurra [#2] (6) {Rare. Really pretty, and love flourishing algae and plants. They will spit sand at each other}
- Variatus Platy [#2] (2, a pair) {They have bred at least 5 times. Really pretty}
- Eastern Mosquitofish [#2] (1, a female) ){I only got one. I believe it is a Eastern Mosquitofish. Hangs out with the local flagfish and platys}
- Orange Platy [#2] {1) {Don't really care what species she is. Just eats all the food in the tank. As a yelp review would say, would not recommend it.}
- Delhezi Bichir [#1] (1) {My favorite fish. He or she is unsexed (I call Sparky a He), and he is around 10-11 inches.}
- Neon Tetras [#4] (6) {One of the prettiest neon groups I've ever seen!}
- Gold Cobra Guppy [#4] (2, a female and her baby) {Just a female and her baby. Her mate, a Black Moscow guppy died. She has a really cool tale, which looks like a labyrinth}
- Red Wagtail Platy [#4] (4} {They just eat all the fish flakes and poop a lot. They have starved fish to death because they eat to much}
- Bronze Cory [#4] (2, a pair) {Lay eggs often. Very large}
- Uknown Cory Catfish [#4] (6) {They are unidentified. Very pretty}

Miscellaneus Aquatic Creatures:

- Ramshorn Snails [#2,#3, #5] (a billion in #3, only a few in #2) {They breed a lot. They will stay in the patio pond, even though I try to introduce them elsewhere}
- Some kind of Pond Snail [#1-#5] (A billion in every tank) {They eat a lot of the algae, and keep my tanks clean. They breed so much. They have these jelly-like egg cases that they stick to glass}
- Amano Shrimp [#4] (5) {They are so fun to watch. A few have eggs right now, but will not lay them. They eat all the algae, even on the glass}

Deceased Fish:

- Congo Tetra [#1] (22) {I loved these things. I probably had 22 of them. They ended up killing each other all down to a dominant male, which I gave away.}
- Siamese Algae Eaters [#1] (3) {I bought these to eat a few Species of Cyanobacteria, and they did pick at the algae, but got eaten by my Delhezi Bichir}
- Betta Sorority [#4] (1) {She was always thin and skittish. Died of starvation. I fed her separately from all the fish but didn't at the end. Unfortunately, she was too skittish for me to see her often.
- Black Moscow Guppy [#4] (1) {His tail was so pretty! I don't know how he died}
- Flagfish [#5] (1) {One of my flagfish, which I quarantined, died during the 2nd round of Maracyn2. Killed by popeye.}

I will probably think of more.

Aquatic Plants (including Lillies)

- Anacharis [#2,#3,#5] (atleast 50 sprigs){Beautiful blooms. Grows like weeds}
- Coontail [#2] (a few large sprigs) {I like this better than the Anacharis, but it catches a lot of algae
- Variegated Water Snowflake [#2,#3] (2 in each riginally) {Just when I think it dies, it comes back. Never seen it bloom. Very hardy}
- Mosquito Fern [#2, used to be #1] (bucket loads) {Grows like Duckweed, but quicker. They will stack on top of one another, making 5 inch thick slabs of Mosquito Fern. The roots kept clogging my filters.}
- Water Hyacinth [#2] (3) {One of the favorite plants of the Gymogeophagus Terrapurpurra. Roots are nice and bushy}
- Water Lettuce [#2,#3,#5] (Around 5) {I find it doesn't like my water. Doesn't grow well}
- Java Fern [#4] (Most likely 3) {I like the trident version, but Java Fern is one of my favorite aquatic plants}
- Java Fern 'Trident' [#4] (2) {The trident version is really pretty. It looks a lot more bushy}
- Java Fern 'Trident Petite' [#4] (3} {I bought this for small crevices. Looks exactly like the trident, but smaller}
- Anubias 'Nana Petite' [#4] (2) {This one is better IMO because it looks cleaner}
- Anubias [#4] (1) {It's Anubias. Always pretty}
- Uknown Red Plant [#4] (6-7) {I have at least 7 sprigs that grow. It's a really pretty plant}

No, I haven't made any threads about them.
I've had all sorts of fish before but I've just recently got rid of my last running tank full of, (drum roll please:band:) guppies!! Can't beat guppies in my opinion, they're beautiful little fish.
I have a 40 litre nano tank which I'm planning on rescaping despite my thoughts to end my fish hobby. Just can't get away from it can we. :/
I'll probably get some neons or something and then focus on growing some fancy plants to cover up the scratches on the glass:whistle:.
In my tanks I keep my elephant noses and Congo tetra.
My other tank has my boraras, rainbow gobies, hillstream loach.
Also vampire shrimp, bamboo shrimp, rcs, 1 green lace shrimp who is 7 year's old, amano shrimp 9years old, and different snails,tylo, mystery, giant Colombian ramshorn.
-betta splendens:
.royal blue doubletail
.black orchid crowntail
.royal blue crowntail
.blue marble doubletail
.red dragon halfmoon

-mutt guppies
-blue gouramies
-blackfin splitfin (Rio Lerma population)
-Nile tilapia
-wild type molly
-green swordtail
-red cherry shrimp
-red sakura shrimp
-assassin snails
-Moctezuma dwarf crayfish
-golden otocinclus
-salt & pepper corydoras
-calico blue eyes bristlenose plecos

fish i want to keep in the future:
-black bass
-channel catfish
-rainbow snakehead
-appistogramma cacatuoides
-black metal guppies
-hillstream loaches
-khuli loaches
-harlequin rasboras
-and many many more
I will have to go by tank to keep the fish straight...

33 gallon Brackish
8 bumble bee gobies
7 goblin leaf fish, relative to rock fish/scorpion fish
4 nerite snails
6 blue foot hermit crabs

20 long
2 hillstream loaches
7 schistura pridii (mini-dragon) loaches

10 gallon
(not a real) pea puffer
1 amano shrimp

50 gallon low boy
2 golden dojo loaches
4 weather loaches
8 gold barbs

75 gallon acrylic
5 gold pearl gourami
1 regular pearl gourami
1 lavender gourami
1 male betta
2 ancistrus plecos
male and female super red BN pleco
1 albino BN pleco female
1 yellow synodontis nigrita

5 clown plecos/panaques (Mars Bar, Kit-Kat, Mr. Goodbar, Whatchamacallit, and Twix)

1 L 240 galaxy pleco
8 spiny eels, mostly Macrognathus circumcinctus
2 rope fish; Erpetoichthys calabaricus

75 glass soon to be 120 gallon acrylic
1 Peruvian purple wolf fish male
1 wild blue acara male
1 large 6"+ BN pleco male

120 glass tank 4'x2'; a lot of fish in here so can't count them all, some will just be listed as shoal or group.
group of tetras:
  • -diamond
  • -albino priscella
  • -black neon
  • -black phantom
  • -emperor
  • -blue kerri
  • -glowlight
  • -ONE stubborn congo
4 Banjo catfish
group of Aeneus cory wild coloration
group of Emerald green brochis
few Aeneus cory in white and black coloration
5 brochi corry (the big guys)
5 peckoltia plecos; two vittata, one sabaji and two unknown species (buggers destroy all plants)
5 laetacara araguaiae
1 female wild blue acara
pair of adult angelfish

125 gallon
4 (three female, one male) snakeskin gourami
2 moonlight gourami
1 gold gourami
1 banded gourami
12 Australian rainbowfish
6 irian rainbowfish
12 Harlequin rasbora
6 Yo-Yo loaches
group-possibly 12 Kuhli, silver and black loaches
7 pavo eels
1 large female L330 spotted/watermelon royal pleco
1 small L027 possibly female royal pleco (too small to sex)
5 adult Siamese algae eaters
1 adult angelfish
1 medusa pleco female

120 gallon 5' x 18"
3 albino plecos; one adult and two juvis
1 calico BN pleco; female
1 medusa BN male
1 L190 Royal pleco-too small to sex
2 angelfish, paired
2 Bichir that are being babysat for a friend
1 large synodontis, unsure of the sp

12 gallon rimless tank, I am sory I don't know the species names for the fish
6 shell cichlids
4 small shell cichlids
3 rabbit snails
3-4 fanus snails/cappuccino snails

5 gallon blackwater tanks; 3 of them each with a pair of wild betta
pair of betta miniopinna
pair of betta rutilans
pair of betta burdigala

180 gallon Turtle abode with 20 gallon water feature
group of guppies
group of ricefish
some snails

6 gallon rimless
9 exclamation point rasbora
9 gold tetras
9 green tetras
12 (?) orange tiger shrimp

10 gallon rimless
4 scarlet badis
group of dwarf gold barbs
5 anchor catfish

small population of ramshorn snails in some tanks, also some scuds in the filters/substrate of some tanks as well. Very small population of MTS in some tanks too.

I think that is all of them... d:D
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I will have to go by tank to keep the fish straight...

33 gallon Brackish
8 bumble bee gobies
7 goblin leaf fish, relative to rock fish/scorpion fish
4 nerite snails
6 blue foot hermit crabs

20 long
2 hillstream loaches
7 schistura pridii (mini-dragon) loaches

10 gallon
(not a real) pea puffer
1 amano shrimp

50 gallon low boy
2 golden dojo loaches
4 weather loaches
8 gold barbs

75 gallon acrylic
5 gold pearl gourami
1 regular pearl gourami
1 lavender gourami
1 male betta
2 ancistrus plecos
male and female super red BN pleco
1 albino BN pleco female
1 yellow synodontis nigrita

5 candy cane plecos/panaques (Mars Bar, Kit-Kat, Mr. Goodbar, Whatchamacallit, and Twix)

1 L 240 galaxy pleco
8 spiny eels, mostly Macrognathus circumcinctus
2 rope fish; Erpetoichthys calabaricus

75 glass soon to be 120 gallon acrylic
1 Peruvian purple wolf fish male
1 wild blue acara male
1 large 6"+ BN pleco male

120 glass tank 4'x2'; a lot of fish in here so can't count them all, some will just be listed as shoal or group.
group of tetras:
  • -diamond
  • -albino priscella
  • -black neon
  • -black phantom
  • -emperor
  • -blue kerri
  • -glowlight
  • -ONE stubborn congo
4 Banjo catfish
group of Aeneus cory wild coloration
group of Emerald green brochis
few Aeneus cory in white and black coloration
5 brochi corry (the big guys)
5 peckoltia plecos; two vittata, one sabaji and two unknown species (buggers destroy all plants)
5 laetacara araguaiae
1 female wild blue acara
pair of adult angelfish

125 gallon
4 three snakeskin gourami
2 moonlight gourami
1 gold gourami
1 banded gourami
12 Australian rainbowfish
6 irian rainbowfish
12 Harlequin rasbora
6 Yo-Yo loaches
group-possibly 12 Kuhli, silver and black loaches
7 pavo eels
1 large female L330 spotted/watermelon royal pleco
1 small L027 possibly female royal pleco (too small to sex)
5 adult Siamese algae eaters
1 adult angelfish
1 medusa pleco female

120 gallon 5' x 18"
3 albino plecos; one adult and two juvis
1 calico BN pleco; female
1 medusa BN male
2 angelfish, paired
2 Bichir that are being babysat for a friend
1 large synodontis, unsure of the sp

12 gallon rimless tank, I am sory I don't know the species names for the fish
6 shell cichlids
4 small shell cichlids
3 rabbit snails
3-4 fanus snails/cappuccino snails

5 gallon blackwater tanks; 3 of them each with a pair of wild betta
pair of betta miniopinna
pair of betta rutilans
pair of betta burdigala

180 gallon Turtle abode with 20 gallon water feature
group of guppies
group of ricefish
some snails

6 gallon rimless
9 exclamation point rasbora
9 gold tetras
9 green tetras
12 (?) orange tiger shrimp

10 gallon rimless
4 scarlet badis
group of dwarf gold barbs
5 anchor catfish

small population of ramshorn snails in some tanks, also some scuds in the filters/substrate of some tanks as well. Very small population of MTS in some tanks too.

I think that is all of them... d:D

Btw, what is a (not a real) Pea Puffer?
I don't keep fishes; I keep plants and these neat auto-fertilizer machines that swim around all day fertilizing my plants.
I will have to go by tank to keep the fish straight...

33 gallon Brackish
8 bumble bee gobies
7 goblin leaf fish, relative to rock fish/scorpion fish
4 nerite snails
6 blue foot hermit crabs

20 long
2 hillstream loaches
7 schistura pridii (mini-dragon) loaches

10 gallon
(not a real) pea puffer
1 amano shrimp

50 gallon low boy
2 golden dojo loaches
4 weather loaches
8 gold barbs

75 gallon acrylic
5 gold pearl gourami
1 regular pearl gourami
1 lavender gourami
1 male betta
2 ancistrus plecos
male and female super red BN pleco
1 albino BN pleco female
1 yellow synodontis nigrita

5 clown plecos/panaques (Mars Bar, Kit-Kat, Mr. Goodbar, Whatchamacallit, and Twix)

1 L 240 galaxy pleco
8 spiny eels, mostly Macrognathus circumcinctus
2 rope fish; Erpetoichthys calabaricus

75 glass soon to be 120 gallon acrylic
1 Peruvian purple wolf fish male
1 wild blue acara male
1 large 6"+ BN pleco male

120 glass tank 4'x2'; a lot of fish in here so can't count them all, some will just be listed as shoal or group.
group of tetras:
  • -diamond
  • -albino priscella
  • -black neon
  • -black phantom
  • -emperor
  • -blue kerri
  • -glowlight
  • -ONE stubborn congo
4 Banjo catfish
group of Aeneus cory wild coloration
group of Emerald green brochis
few Aeneus cory in white and black coloration
5 brochi corry (the big guys)
5 peckoltia plecos; two vittata, one sabaji and two unknown species (buggers destroy all plants)
5 laetacara araguaiae
1 female wild blue acara
pair of adult angelfish

125 gallon
4 (three female, one male) snakeskin gourami
2 moonlight gourami
1 gold gourami
1 banded gourami
12 Australian rainbowfish
6 irian rainbowfish
12 Harlequin rasbora
6 Yo-Yo loaches
group-possibly 12 Kuhli, silver and black loaches
7 pavo eels
1 large female L330 spotted/watermelon royal pleco
1 small L027 possibly female royal pleco (too small to sex)
5 adult Siamese algae eaters
1 adult angelfish
1 medusa pleco female

120 gallon 5' x 18"
3 albino plecos; one adult and two juvis
1 calico BN pleco; female
1 medusa BN male
1 L190 Royal pleco-too small to sex
2 angelfish, paired
2 Bichir that are being babysat for a friend
1 large synodontis, unsure of the sp

12 gallon rimless tank, I am sory I don't know the species names for the fish
6 shell cichlids
4 small shell cichlids
3 rabbit snails
3-4 fanus snails/cappuccino snails

5 gallon blackwater tanks; 3 of them each with a pair of wild betta
pair of betta miniopinna
pair of betta rutilans
pair of betta burdigala

180 gallon Turtle abode with 20 gallon water feature
group of guppies
group of ricefish
some snails

6 gallon rimless
9 exclamation point rasbora
9 gold tetras
9 green tetras
12 (?) orange tiger shrimp

10 gallon rimless
4 scarlet badis
group of dwarf gold barbs
5 anchor catfish

small population of ramshorn snails in some tanks, also some scuds in the filters/substrate of some tanks as well. Very small population of MTS in some tanks too.

I think that is all of them... d:D
BTW the plan in the next year or two is to get a 225-240 acryllic tank to move most of the plecos in (from 120, 125 and other 120), add some clown barbs, the brochi cory and emerald green brochis (any other cory from the 120 will go in the 125 as they are smaller than the other two) the other fish from the 5" 120 gallon and possibly a tire track eel, but maybe not since I have all the cichlids and other catfish in the 120 to move into the acryllic as well. My 120 with the tetras would become the Dojo/weather loach new home (tetras would go in the 125)and I would add some giant danios to the tank. The 50 gallon would be broken down and sold.
Also still have have plans to set up a reef tank, maybe 3 years in the future, when the house is more finished and settled. Still doing renovations in the house so its in various stages of construction (=CHAOS + MESS).
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Who lives in a pineapple in an aquarium
It was actually my son's idea😂 But Blanco has taken to it very well. She loves going in and out of all the different portholes :) I think it makes her feel secure? I've read that some bettas like a place that's more hidden. 🍍🍍🍍
It was actually my son's idea😂 But Blanco has taken to it very well. She loves going in and out of all the different portholes :) I think it makes her feel secure? I've read that some bettas like a place that's more hidden. 🍍🍍🍍
Bettas do like hiding spots, but they arent naturally a bottom hiding fish... Thats why you will see things like betta logs that are floating hiding spots. Tall plants are also really good hiding spots
Bettas do like hiding spots, but they arent naturally a bottom hiding fish... Thats why you will see things like betta logs that are floating hiding spots. Tall plants are also really good hiding spots
I have hornwort in his tank that he loves to rest on, and I just put in a new variegated plant with broad leaves that he is really really enjoying! 🐠🍍🐠🍍🐠
I love it when he comes out and plays. He is the most active betta I have ever seen :)

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