Identify this pleco?


Mostly New Member
Jun 22, 2016
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This is my fathers pleco we aren’t sure what species it is.

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Id guess at a orange seam pleco (Hemiancistrus guahiborum) but im far from a pleco expert

Im sure someone will know what specie its is tho
Id guess at a orange seam pleco (Hemiancistrus guahiborum) but im far from a pleco expert

Im sure someone will know what specie its is tho
I think this might be right, from looking at pics. And again, looking at the pics, it seems to be a pretty young one. Not sure if it's just your camera or it's got really stark white lines, looks gorgeous.
I think this might be right, from looking at pics. And again, looking at the pics, it seems to be a pretty young one. Not sure if it's just your camera or it's got really stark white lines, looks gorgeous.
He is a beauty, but the fish in the photos I googled has spots this one doesn’t. I’ve since updated the post with clearer photos, my dad isn’t the best at getting photos of his fish 😆
that could be it! looks very similar
I’ve updated with a few clearer photos. The species you linked seems to have spots and this one doesn’t. He’s had this pleco for about six months and it was baby when he bought him.
It looks like a female longfin bristlenose.
I’ve looked up that regular brown bristlenose and they don’t have that white on the tops of their fins. Or the sort of leopard spotty coloration through his body.
My partner (who knows a little about plecs through my excessive info-dumping) suggested that it could be a cross-breed. The size and general look suggests it could be similar to a (longfin) BNP, but the ridges along the back aren't typical of a BNP, and like you said it doesn't have the prominent colouration through the body. It actually looks more like a wild common with how defined the "armour" is along the back.

Would say that it might be a cross, like a mutt plec lol. Do think Circus is right with the female longfin BNP thought though, since the shape and length of the fins align with those of that species.
that is a female longfin bristlenose pleco.
I’ve looked up that regular brown bristlenose and they don’t have that white on the tops of their fins. Or the sort of leopard spotty coloration through his body.
I have a young female bristlenose pleco just not in longfin and she has those white bits on the fin and the same color pattern

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