Coconut fibre safe ?


Fish Herder
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jul 2, 2020
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After some good success is adjusting monstera to hydroponic now taking cuttings and seeing good benefits to my no3 levels I’m germinating some bell peppers and chilli peppers to also grow hydroponically in my fish tank so I’m making a makeshift attachment / box / pot for them to be more secure I the tank , I want to add a media for the roots one to stop the fish eating them and two just to stabilise the plant a little more was going to use plain old ceramic rings but would like to use coconut fibre , mistake ? Or is it sound for the fish and water
I know that coconut shells are often used in the aquarium, and I remember some diy fish stuff mentioned using the coconut fibers. I believe it can even be used as a substrate or spawning mops. And of course, if you do use it make sure it is all natural/organic.
I know that coconut shells are often used in the aquarium, and I remember some diy fish stuff mentioned using the coconut fibers. I believe it can even be used as a substrate or spawning mops. And of course, if you do use it make sure it is all natural/organic.
From the small bits of information I can see it seems safe to use and apparently A good choice to use over soils as we’ll not sure if it will realise any tannins but asking as there safe I wouldn’t mind so much
I don't like coconut fibre in fish tanks because fish sometimes eat it and it doesn't always go through them. Then you have to catch the fish and try to pull the fibre back out.

I don't use coconut fibre with birds either because it can wrap around their feet or toes and cut the blood supply off.

Hydroponic stores, hardwares and garden centres sell clay balls for growing hydroponic pants in. That might be worth checking out

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