funny idea


Fish Maniac
Tank of the Month 🏆
2x Fish of the Month 🌟
Dec 3, 2020
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United States
hello im not sure where to put this maybe it is best in equipment
i am going to make a tank divider, and wondering if i can make it so that some smaller fish can visit the different tanks, but the bettas will not be rude to each other
When I look at what you have, I expect any opening that would let your adults travel from tank to tank would also let a Betta splendens through. It's easy to make such a divider for fry and small juveniles though.
When I look at what you have, I expect any opening that would let your adults travel from tank to tank would also let a Betta splendens through. It's easy to make such a divider for fry and small juveniles though.
havent made it yet im using an axrylic sheet
could work, but if the males see each other all the time they could spar and flare, well, all the time, for a few minutes every week or month it's ok and it is one of the most popular betta enrichments, (a sparring/flaring competition with their own reflection using a mirror) but doing it every day can stress them a bit too much!
I’ve seen these dividers online, but never paid much attention.

I do own one betta & he lives alone in a 10 G tank. I just tried to take a pic of him looking cute resting on some leaves, but he swam away.
I find it unethical (and all of you should too) to trap 2 fighting fish next to each other, both being aware of each other's presence but unable to escape or solve the conflict
if you use a divider, silicone in a solid sheet of glass without holes in it and paint it black so the bettas cannot see or detect each other's chemical signals in the water
that would need separate filtration for each side too
I find it unethical (and all of you should too) to trap 2 fighting fish next to each other, both being aware of each other's presence but unable to escape or solve the conflict
if you use a divider, silicone in a solid sheet of glass without holes in it and paint it black so the bettas cannot see or detect each other's chemical signals in the water
that would need separate filtration for each side too
that is exactly what i said, ti would cause too much stress for them to be sparring and flaring all day every day
Wdym wait bettas can see each otherr through solid black acrylic?!?
Wdym wait bettas can see each otherr through solid black acrylic?!?
unless you painted it there is no way of knowing if the paint is aquarium safe, also trough the holes they would be able to make out each others shape (especially through holes big enough for neon tetra to pass through) and also sense the presence of each other through chemical signals and smells,
Agreed with realzalio and others - both on the impracticality aspect and the divider idea. I think the whole divider thing is cruel in general since it more or less deliberately stresses the fish out. At best with the idea of the passage way, a hole small enough to allow other fish (but not the bettas) to pass through might prove dangerous or simply a waste of time. If the hole is too small - so that a betta can't get through - other fish might not pay attention to it, and with a larger hole, it could be a danger to the bettas in more ways than one.

My thoughts are that you should just stick with one betta per tank and keep multiple tanks housing a betta at a good distance from one another as to not stress either out. Plus, having no divider would give the betta all the more room to swim around - the bigger the better.
My thoughts are that you should just stick with one betta per tank and keep multiple tanks housing a betta at a good distance from one another as to not stress either out. Plus, having no divider would give the betta all the more room to swim around - the bigger the better.
since I lack enough space what i do is that I put paper between the betta tanks to save space but prevent them from seeing each other
Hmm can you reccomend some that is? Or some that i can paint on? Thanks
Can you afford different tanks & leave the betta alone in his own tank? I found a betta setup on Craigslist.$40. 10 G hooded nice tank with filter, air pump & huge basket of chemicals. Seller was a kid going off to college & her siblings & parents didn’t want the betta. They lived in a huge gated McMansion development I had no idea even existed.

The day before I was to pick it up, the girl called to say she found it severed in two parts & wanted to sell the tank etc for the same $40.
She was so upset that I didn‘t try bargaining. The tank was littered with ugly decor & the most likely cause of death was some godawful big fake seashell she had in there. idk.

So I bought the setup, still an excellent value minus that pretty peach colored betta. Then I ordered my purple guy on ebay. I would never expose him to other fish or any source of potential harm after listening to that poor girl sob & I had kinda fallen in love with his pic.
All the fake crap decor was immediately thrown out. There’s only some live plants & a few snails in his tank.

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