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  1. T

    Clown Loaches And Tankmates

    Well, I try to be meticulous with my tank water. I do water changes weekly, 20%. and because I enjoy water testing, I always do that to. once every couple of weeks. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites and nirtates at around 10. so I really dont think that's the cause. Also, my cute cories I have had for...
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    Rainbow Fish And Behavior

    anyone want to respond to my question? this evening I notice him just hanging around, swimming in one spot, and more or less stationary. He looks healthy. I also never really saw him eat any flake food or anything I dropped in the tank, he was always so consumed by the grazing of algae. Any...
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    Clown Loaches And Tankmates

    I guess im concerned given the appetite of these loaches that the cories wont be getting their share. I dont know why the cories got sick and their fins got damaged, but I can only assume it was the loaches. So I did see three larger size emerald green cories at the LFS the other day, but I want...
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    Clown Loaches And Their Barbels

    Thanks for your responses. I forgot, you are right about the barbels and the substrate. They are just so cute so sometimes I like to interact with them and they are not shy! They will come up to my finger and there's this strange feeling, not teeth, but wrasp, I understand? Whatever it is, it...
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    Clown Loaches And Tankmates

    I have three very cute clown loaches. They are about 2 or 3 inches. They all have very voracious appetites. Often one of them doesnt like when other fish goes after the food and will even show their dislike by going up to the angel fish, or even chase a rasbora. It appears that this behavior is...
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    Rainbow Fish And Behavior

    My cute rainbow shark that I have has always been busy foraging the tank for alge, on the plants and decorations. Sometimes if other fish gets in his way, he will chase them, but only briefly and continue doing his own thing. Today I notice him swimming and staying in place sometimes, and not...
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    Oh No! Corie Catfish Sick!

    I just noticed one of my cory catfish was sick, he was laying on a plant leaf. His fins shows signs of damage, especially his top fin. I also just noticed another cory catfish with finnage damage, too! they were perfectly fine, BUT, I have a feeling my clown loaches are responsible I have three...
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    Clown Loaches And Their Barbels

    you try it first and let me know!
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    Clown Loaches And Their Barbels

    no im afraid that they will hurt or prick your finger. i know my brother once was trying to release a cory from a net and he said the barbel on the cory hurt a little, didnt feel good. I didnt know if the cute clown loaches also would have babels that hurt if I were to get touched by them when...
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    Clown Loaches And Their Barbels

    Sometimes I like to hand feed the fish by holding a shrimp pellet in my hand and having the fish eat it. The clown loaches I have are real active and are not shy about swimming to the surface and going after it. And sometimes I like to just put my finger in there and have them come to me because...
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    Brown Algae?

    Okay, maybe we'll just leave the lights on in the evening. I will try cleaning the plants. Thanks for your reply. clown loaches are cute!
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    Brown Algae?

    well, I thought it was maybe the light. There is one plant in the corner that shows very little if no sign of brown stuff on the leaves, and it it's also on the side of the tank where we tend to turn the light off in the afternoon or evening so it's not too bright. I think we have the lights...
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    Brown Algae?

    I have this brown stuff on my plastic plants. It is especially on a couple of the plants, and much less on another. It looks unsightly and I think it's brown algae, but not sure. Ihve had my tank setup now for almost a year. Is there anyway to get rid of this and have the plastic plants look...
  14. T

    Is This Normal Behavior For Clown Loach?

    Im still concerned. This morning I saw a clown loach chase not only a harlequin rasbora, but at times he goes after the angel fish, although they seem to hold their ground. What I cant fitgure out is they look well fed, their stomachs do look full. Im guessing the one thats just nuts sometimes...
  15. T

    Is This Normal Behavior For Clown Loach?

    yes, I usually drop flake food and at the same time I drop a wafer or shrimp pellet on the other side. they really like the shrimp pellets, but they tend not to sink as advertised and can sometimes float at the surface until I throw it into the tank. But ususally I feed them at the same time...
  16. T

    Is This Normal Behavior For Clown Loach?

    One of my cute clown loaches sometimes chases the harlequin rasbora fish. It looks harmless, but then again Im not sure. It also sometimes comes up to some of the angel fish. Usually it happens during feeding, but Ive seen it occur at other times. I have also seen it to grab the shrimp pellet...
  17. T

    Clown Loach Diet

    I could not find an answer about what I can feed clown loaches on this board. I have three very cute clown loaches. What are some of the things these cuties will eat? I heard I can feed them zuccinni, is that right? any special preparation, or can I just cut it up and put it in? The fish store...
  18. T

    Stocking Idea...after 2 Dead Fish

    I fear I am going to have problems with getting another pair of gouramies. I had a pair of dwarf and removed one because he was a bully and the other poor gouramie finally died. Do I have to be concerned about this dominat behavior if getting a pair? why not just one?
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    2 Dead Fish In Under 2 Weeks

    All good questions. I actually enjyo testing my water regularely, its fun. So I am pretty sure that my water tests are good. Usually 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites and low levels of nitrates. I do 25% water changes weekly. in both cases, their eyes were gone, as if they were eaten. both fish were...
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    Stocking Idea...after 2 Dead Fish

    I want to get some more fish but rather not get those kinds that tend to bully each other. I hate to see that happen. I just lost a male dwarf gourami and an angel fish to perhaps this very reason. Any ideas on what would be a good addition to my tank? Looking for real hardy, good choices...
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    2 Dead Fish In Under 2 Weeks

    This morning I found a second fish dead. I had two dwarf red gouramies for a probably a couple months. I recently had noticed that the smaller one was not active and not out during feeding time. He was hiding in the cave or near the corner. I suspected that the poor fish was getting bullied by...
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    Noisy Bio-wheel Filter

    I was thinking about doing that but I didn't know how to care for the biowheel while it's not in the filter, and I dont know where the motor is. As you know, the filter has a lot of the bacateria and I fear that I might do something to kill off much of the bacteria that lives on this wheel...
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    Noisy Bio-wheel Filter

    I have two marineland bio-wheel filter 200. One of them is very quiet, while the other is rather noisy. I thought the noise was coming from the bubbles created at the surface by the airstone, but upon closer examination I realized it was actauly the filter. The noise is kind of like swooshing...
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    Agression Between Two Male Dwarf Gouramies

    This post has turned into the angel fish rather. I am going to return the poor one being bullied! As shown in the pic above
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    Agression Between Two Male Dwarf Gouramies

    Her eis another picture of the fish.He is down near the substrate, clamped fins. What hsould I do!? take him back?? I need to take care of this situation as soon as possible.
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    Agression Between Two Male Dwarf Gouramies

    Well, maybe he is getting bullying. I hate to know that! He is in the lower right corner. Initially when I get them, they swan around. It has been 2-3 weeks now. And yes, his top fin and lower is clamped, I think. He does not look like he is hurt, he just hangs out down behind one of the plants...
  27. T

    Stocking Ideas, Please

    I actually had 6 cories, but because of their noctural nature, you did not see them often. And, my family does not particularly care for them. They prefer the pretty, colorful fish, whatever that means. So instead, I now have three larger cories, maybe 2.5 inches.
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    Stocking Ideas, Please

    Thanks for the quick reply! When I say tetras, I meant the larger variety. Although as I mentioned, I didn't like the aggressive nature of the buenos aries, the black skirt (or as they call them in the UK I believe, widow) tetra. I just have seen lemon tetras, that look cool. And I didnt know if...
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    Agression Between Two Male Dwarf Gouramies

    I have a 4" air stone actually...and 4 plastic plants. I dont get the ornaments, because they cost too way much money. I do two decorations, a big rock thing and a fake driftwood cave (see picture). Tell me what you think! my family gets upset because often I return fish because of agression...
  30. T

    Stocking Ideas, Please

    I have 2 dwarf gouramies, 2 angels, 3 dalmation platies, 2 smaller ones, 2 swordtails, and 3 cory cats. Any ideas on what else would work in my current setup? Its a 55 gallon tank. I do like tetras, however, the different out there I am afraid would be as aggressive as say the beunos aries...
  31. T

    Agression Between Two Male Dwarf Gouramies

    harass the other one until it dies!? this sounds serious. I also notice that the one being harrassed is'nt always getting to the food, but the harasser is. I do have plastic 5 in my tank. I dont like the sound of this, and I might return the one being harassed. And just keep one...
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    What Kind Of Cory Cat Is This?

    This might even be green catfish, I think? Or bronze?
  33. catfish.jpg


  34. T

    Agression Between Two Male Dwarf Gouramies

    I have two male gouramies, they are dwarf. They are not the honey however, they have the flourescent type blue on their top fines, and red below. Anyhow, I believe both are male because the guy at the LFS told me the dorsal fines are more sharper rather then rounded. I notice some agression...
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    Is This Too Many Fish In 55gallon?

    First, Thanks for that informative replies. I could not wait any longer and Id id not recieve replies until the next day so I had made changes already. Firstly, I removed all the angel fish but left a pair. I removed all neon tetras, and the three danios. I then removed the divider. I added...
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    Myster Snail, Is It Dead?

    I hope this is the right board to post about a mystery snail. We have one, golf ball size that is really cool. In the past it has been in its shell for a couple days, then it comes out, goes back, and we know is alive. But for the first time this morning it is in its shell, floating at the...
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    Looking To Change Current Tank Setup

    Sorry for double posting from earlier, but I really looking for help today because today is only day I can go to LFS First of all thank you all for responding to my previous post. Please help me so I can make changes Today at the LFS, but NOT without your expertise: Current setup, as of...
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    Is This Too Many Fish In 55gallon?

    bumping this post up. Im looking to get response today
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    Is This Too Many Fish In 55gallon?

    First of all thank you all for responding to my post. This is the reason why I like this website so much because people actually respond to your post and make your post and you seem important. Please read this post as I want to make changes tomorrow at the LFS, but NOT without your expertise...
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    Is This Too Many Fish In 55gallon?

    I went ahead and installed the divider, and removed all small fish like the neon tetras, guppie and zebra danios. The tank is now about 70% for the 5 angels, and 30% for the small fish. Again I understand that there are too many angels, but if I remove any fish im a dead man!