Agression Between Two Male Dwarf Gouramies


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
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USA, Colorado, Denver
I have two male gouramies, they are dwarf. They are not the honey however, they have the flourescent type blue on their top fines, and red below. Anyhow, I believe both are male because the guy at the LFS told me the dorsal fines are more sharper rather then rounded. I notice some agression between the two, and in of them often stays in the corner. The other swims a lot more. I got them about a week and a half way in a 55 gallon tank.

Any concern I shoul dhve over some of this agression, one of them kinda chases the other briefly, and one time I saw them do a dance type encounter. If this is normal then I am fine, but I dont want this to cause stress or fear in one of the fish.

Never had a gouramie before..

All gouramis are territorial to some degree. Male dwarf gouramis will argue with each other but don't normally kill one another. The gourami you have is a flame dwarf gourami. It is a colour form of the normal dwarf gourami. Females are silver all over, whereas the males have the colour.
If you have lots of plants in the tank then there will be fewer problems between them. If there are no plants then the dominant one might harass the weaker one until it dies.
If you don't have a light on the tank then get some plastic plants and have some in the gravel and others floating around the surface of the tank.
harass the other one until it dies!? this sounds serious. I also notice that the one being harrassed is'nt always getting to the food, but the harasser is. I do have plastic 5 in my tank. I dont like the sound of this, and I might return the one being harassed.

And just keep one, what do you think?
If the tank is small (say 2ft) then remove one. However, if they are in a 55g tank then it should easily be big enough for them. But if you only have 5 plants in a 55g then get some more plants. And add some driftwood or river rocks too. If you don't want rocks and wood then add a few more ornaments, use a big ship and a bubbling ornament or something like that.
I have a 4" air stone actually...and 4 plastic plants. I dont get the ornaments, because they cost too way much money. I do two decorations, a big rock thing and a fake driftwood cave (see picture). Tell me what you think!

my family gets upset because often I return fish because of agression and stuff like this, or if I find certain fish just does not work well, or other reasons because I dont want fish to be scared or nervous, or anything like that. I do try to study up on the fish I want. The LFS does accept the fish, but I loose $ because they give me only credit for half the price they would sell them. And, the guy at the fish store kept telling me that two males will be okay, and I was doubtful. My mom tells me, stop returning them, they aren't cloths!

Also, given my setup, do you recommend taller plants? I know the angels prefer that.

By the way, last couple days one of my angels have been hiding in the bottom corner. Since I got the two, they wre both fine and swimming around.

Get a plant called Water Sprite (Ceratopteris thalictroides). It is easy to grow and will live happily on the surface or you can plant it in the gravel. It will provide good cover for the gouramis. Under good conditions this plant can grow very rapidly so it shouldn't take long to reproduce.

Taller plants would definitely make a difference in your tank. Vallis grows tall and is pretty easy to grow. You could put a few pieces at the back and bring the smaller plants towards the front. Within a month or so the Vallis should have produced a few runners and you will have lots of Vallis. Get narrow Vallis and not giant Vallis, it's easier to keep.

If the water quality is good then the angelfish might be getting picked on by the other one. Check the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate & PH. If they are fine then watch the fish and see if one is bullying the other. Also check the fish for any signs of disease, ie: clamped fins, white spots on the body or fins, breathing heavily, stringy white poo, skinny, etc.
Well, maybe he is getting bullying. I hate to know that! He is in the lower right corner. Initially when I get them, they swan around. It has been 2-3 weeks now. And yes, his top fin and lower is clamped, I think. He does not look like he is hurt, he just hangs out down behind one of the plants in the back, lower corner.

here is a picture. let me know what you think. Thanks
I can't really tell much from the pic but the description you give regarding clamped fins and hiding behind plants is pretty common among fish being bullied. Poor water quality will also cause them to sulk and hide.
Her eis another picture of the fish.He is down near the substrate, clamped fins.
What hsould I do!? take him back?? I need to take care of this situation as soon as possible.
as colin t said gouramis are very terotorial. you could add a considerable amount of plants so they have hiding places. and or 2 females would be advisable
This post has turned into the angel fish rather. I am going to return the poor one being bullied! As shown in the pic above
This post has turned into the angel fish rather. I am going to return the poor one being bullied! As shown in the pic above

The issue with the angle fish is that you shouldn't buy them in pair (apparently) If you buy them in a pair then the dominant will attack the weak. It has to be more than 2 at all times!

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