2 Dead Fish In Under 2 Weeks


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
USA, Colorado, Denver
This morning I found a second fish dead. I had two dwarf red gouramies for a probably a couple months. I recently had noticed that the smaller one was not active and not out during feeding time. He was hiding in the cave or near the corner. I suspected that the poor fish was getting bullied by the other gourami from what I have seen from their interaction and last week I removed the bully fish. The dwarf gourami started to come out some more, but still did not eat. This morning, dead, its eyes eaten out.
Any idea why this happened?

Also, I had 5 angel fish in my tank, relatively small. They all were active and seemed fine, then recently one black one was near the bottom, and hiding behind the rock, and also would not eat. Earlier last week, I found him dead, eyes eaten out!

Can someone explain these two dead fish? I want to know what happened so I know in the future. I was assured by the LFS that having two male dwarf gouramies would be fine, but apparenty there still is a dominant factor?
Were the eyes gone after death as fish could of been pecking at the dead bodies.
Can you post your water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
Need to look at water quality first before we can go any further.

Any signs of flicking and rubbing.
Any excess mucas on the gills or body.
Did the fish look pale or darker in colour.
Did the fish act listless any lethagic.
Any fish look thin or bloated.
What does it look like when the fish go to the toilet.
All good questions. I actually enjyo testing my water regularely, its fun. So I am pretty sure that my water tests are good. Usually 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites and low levels of nitrates. I do 25% water changes weekly.

in both cases, their eyes were gone, as if they were eaten. both fish were listless, larthargic, yes. The dwarf gourami that I suspect was being bullied was defitelly pale, and even during feeding he wasnt interested. spend most of his time hanging out in the fake driftwood or in the corner of the tank.

the black angel looked okay, but also listless. didnt notice anything else wrong physically.
The other fish in my tank knock on wood are just great. I wonder why this happened...
If no signs of flicking and rubbing being pale and lethagic can be bacterial.
Keep a look out for when they go to the toilet.
Are the fish still eating well.
A few daily water changes with fish dying in the tank.

Another question did the fish eyes look like they were bulging out.

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