Stocking Idea...after 2 Dead Fish


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
USA, Colorado, Denver
I want to get some more fish but rather not get those kinds that tend to bully each other. I hate to see that happen. I just lost a male dwarf gourami and an angel fish to perhaps this very reason.

Any ideas on what would be a good addition to my tank? Looking for real hardy, good choices.

Rightn ow I have 55g, 2 dalmation mollies, 4 angel fish (about 2.5 inches), 8 harlequin rasboras, 2 swordtails, 3 clown loaches, 3 cories, one raindbow shark.

I used to have 2 dwarf gouramies, but one was bully and I took him out, the other died a week or so later.
I had 5 angel fish total, but one died because of bullying, I think.

The only ones to look out for in your setup as it is will be the angels, so I'd recommend a pair of Mosaics (Pearl Gouramis) and one pair of Kribs or Rams.... (that's about as much as your tank can take)....
I fear I am going to have problems with getting another pair of gouramies. I had a pair of dwarf and removed one because he was a bully and the other poor gouramie finally died. Do I have to be concerned about this dominat behavior if getting a pair? why not just one?
In all fish, (even if listed as "peaceful" community fish, you sometimes get the exception with a personality trait..... Mosaics are listed as "Peaceful" and I've never seen an aggressive one, (but you know a guy called "Murphy")!!!!
Rainbow sharks are not peaceful fish...especially as they start to grow. They will bully other fish and cause them a lot of stress. Have first hand experience of this with my RS ("Billy the Bully") and had to buy another tank in order to move most of my smaller community fish out of his way. The only fish I have found to keep him in his place are my two pink convicts and he doesn't mess with them!

Also, you do know those clown loaches are going to grow quite huge, do you? Over a foot long... having 3 might be a problem at some point in the future.

Clown loaches will need to be removed for two reasons:

1. They get huge. Slowly, but they get massive and will outgrow your tank
2. If you're looking for a number of peaceful fish, clown loaches aren't a great idea - they're very active and can disturb some more peaceful loving fish.

The other issue is the angels - from they're size they're juveniles now. When they get bigger I would expect (assuming they're a mixed group of males and females) that two of them will pair off, and bully the remaining two. Be aware of it and be ready to find a new home when that happens - it won't be for awhile yet, but it will happen.

And yes, the rainbows pretty aggressive.

Heres some fairly calm fish you'll find are okay:

Danio's - just about any flavour
Rasbora's - likewise
Gourami's - you could just keep one if you're worried about a male bullying a female. Dwarf gourami's are notoriously weak, but some flavour of honey or pearl gourami could be fine.
Oto's - small algae eaters, totally peaceful and really cute
Bristlenose (BN) plecs - get to 6 inches, again quite cute in an ugly duckling sort of way.

Steer clear of neon's, anything that small is liable to become lunch when your angels get bigger.

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