Stocking Ideas, Please


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
USA, Colorado, Denver
I have 2 dwarf gouramies, 2 angels, 3 dalmation platies, 2 smaller ones, 2 swordtails, and 3 cory cats.
Any ideas on what else would work in my current setup?

Its a 55 gallon tank. I do like tetras, however, the different out there I am afraid would be as aggressive as say the beunos aries ones, which I really disliked. You feed the tank and they immediately go after the food. Are all tetras basically have this temperment?
The angel fish could eat your tetras if you put them in with them.

Its really up to you, if you like big or small fish.

Fish Index

If it'll help, look on there /\ ......
It has loads of fish on it with great pictures. Also tells you all abou the fish and if they are peaceful and how easy they are to look after.
Thanks for the quick reply! When I say tetras, I meant the larger variety. Although as I mentioned, I didn't like the aggressive nature of the buenos aries, the black skirt (or as they call them in the UK I believe, widow) tetra. I just have seen lemon tetras, that look cool. And I didnt know if these also have aggressive nature to them. I will check out the link you provided.

Thanks again!
Any other ideas by anyone?
I actually had 6 cories, but because of their noctural nature, you did not see them often. And, my family does not particularly care for them. They prefer the pretty, colorful fish, whatever that means. So instead, I now have three larger cories, maybe 2.5 inches.
Praecox / Neon Blue Rainbow Fish and or some Danio's would be the way I'd go - you need some nice schooling fish that add some life to the tank.

You could also think about a pair of German Blue Rams.

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