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  1. M

    fish tank price's

    they really shouldn't cost so much for glass an plastic :blink:
  2. M

    i am staring a tank to breet guppys

    hope your guppies will breed
  3. M

    why u like cichlids?

    i would say they are beutiful fish from all different colors and sizes :P
  4. M

    fish supplies

    do those have to be alone or can i put other fish with them :unsure:
  5. M

    whats in your tank

    that sounds like fun ;)
  6. M

    Flowerpot Drama

    or you could get a new pot with a bigger or smaller whole
  7. M


    you have a 26 gallon tank hope it helps.
  8. M

    Baby guppies & their colours

    tahts how it always works patience is the key but is not always so easy to use when you have cute baby guppies. :P :D ;)
  9. M

    My tank remoleding

    ;) yep i live in nebraska and the closet pet store to me is like ten miles away which stinks because i dnont get to go out there much.
  10. M

    more ******* fry

    if you have other fish you can feed them to them. ;)
  11. M

    i am staring a tank to breet guppys

    i dont know about sites but all pet stores should have them ;)
  12. M


    yeah my uncle told me it is because thecarbon has carbon dust in it and will realese it into your water.It should clear up.Mine did.THe way to prevent it is to take the bag with the caron in it and wash it out really good before youput it into the tank hope it helps.
  13. M

    stetting up a guppy tank what do i need

    that will work and the guppys will be safe good idea. :-(
  14. M

    My tank remoleding

    yeh before you know it youll have to many and nothing to do with them
  15. M

    stetting up a guppy tank what do i need

    i guess that would work as long as the tank is ready
  16. M

    fish supplies

    those are some real nice tanks and ideas
  17. M


    did it happen the morning after you changed it.
  18. M

    stetting up a guppy tank what do i need

    you will notice a dark gravid spot on the belly and if that just dissapears one day you know they had babies.THe fry are really small and somewhat seethrough.THey will not have any color yet.You better be prepared because they can have from 1-100 fry so thats why people are saying youll need an...
  19. M


    thats what i thought i think this has happened to me.Do you put carbon in the little filter pouches. :huh:
  20. M

    what is ph

    hope it helps i really never teat or do anything to it and it is fine :thumbs:
  21. M

    i am staring a tank to breet guppys

    theyll hide in practicly any plant you get them just get alot of them and put um in a corner behind a rock or something.My guppy babies are really stupid and go swimming right in front of the adults. :blink:
  22. M

    what is ph

    you dont really have to do much for them because they like the ph in neutral 7. :D
  23. M


    what kind of filter do you have.
  24. M

    My tank remoleding

    thati dont know.You can usually get it at petstores
  25. M

    fish supplies

    ok but it might not be for a really long time. :unsure:
  26. M

    prgnant swordtail

    the gravid spot is right above the lower back fin and is the babys eyes starting to form meaning theyre gonna come out soon
  27. M

    i am staring a tank to breet guppys

    as for real ive never tried them so youll have better luck with other people ;)
  28. M

    fish supplies

    :P i dont actually know yet.I think ill do mbunas :D
  29. M

    new tnak

    fighters are awseome B)
  30. M

    i am staring a tank to breet guppys

    i would go with java ferns java moss or combola if your looking for plastic ;)
  31. M

    what is ph

    thanks again ;) B)
  32. M


    well you could try watch him for a while and take him out if something bad happens. :rolleyes:
  33. M

    what plants should i use with my guppys

    if you decide plastic java fern java moss and combola are good ;)
  34. M

    what is ph

    thanks that really made it alot clearer.I cant tell you how much i apreciate all the help from you ever since i started this forum. ;)
  35. M

    stetting up a guppy tank what do i need

    i think ten gallon will work.A small filter with not to much power as they like partialy still water.Java fern or combola for plants.Maybe some driftwood.Tropical fish flakes will work.All you need is light 12 on 12 off.A heater at 75* to 80*
  36. M

    black convicts

    those will look nice together ;)
  37. M

    fish supplies

    i was thinking malawi any ideas :rolleyes:
  38. M

    fish supplies

    a whole lot of cichlids