i am staring a tank to breet guppys

Java moss is excellent for guppy fry to hid in. As are any of the other floating plants. The more cover you can give them the better the survival rate.

You can also use hornwort and najas grass -both floating plants (najas can also be planted). Remember plants need light. At least 2 watts per gallon on for 10-12 hours per day. Generally, the single flourescent light bulb in the standard hood is not enough. Check the wattage on the bulb. Incandescent lights - no good. A light strip with 2 is better depending on your tank size. This means on a 10 gal tank you need 20 watts of light. The standard flourescent light is only 15 watts. If you have a light strip with a glass top, get another light strip. This will help tremendously (on a 10 gal).

READ THESE LINKS If you read threw those links there are a lot of info regarding planted tanks and what all they need. I know it's a lot of reading but you'll learn more by reading those and then coming back and asking questions about what you didn't understand in the reading. Trust me on this...lol. Once you have read threw it let me know if you still have some questions you need answered. I know there will be so hope to hear from ya soon.

i am still reading on some of thouse links but i have a comment. i never new u could bid on live fish?

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