i am staring a tank to breet guppys


Fish Crazy
Aug 11, 2003
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i am staring a tank to breet guppys can i put some thinking esle in there? r will everything eat the babies?
...the whole purpose of a breeding tank is not to put anything else in it so the fry doesn't get eaten. I suppose small catfish like corys are acceptable but I wouldn't bother.
I think you could put just about any other community fish in the tank... I've read livebearers will breed no matter what the tank mates are, and it's definately true with my mollies. If you want the fry to survive you might consider one of those breeder thingies that hang on the side of the tank. I've never used them, but I think you just put your female in there when you notice she's pregnant. I've heard though that there's a chance she might abort the pregnancy due to stress from being caught.
YngUrbanCMH said:
I think you could put just about any other community fish in the tank... I've read livebearers will breed no matter what the tank mates are, and it's definately true with my mollies.
Yes but there's no point setting up a breeding tank if you're gonna fill it with other fish!
lordmoose said:
I suppose small catfish like corys are acceptable but I wouldn't bother.
Watch out cories are baby snatchers I've seen some fry gobbled up by my sterbai (the sterbai weren't even big!) and once they'd had a few they prowled around the tank looking for more I think they developed a taste!! :sick:
really william? Didn't know that. I've never seen any of the corys go for my fry, but that's probably because the tanks very heavily planted.
Thanks for the advice :)
theyll hide in practicly any plant you get them just get alot of them and put um in a corner behind a rock or something.My guppy babies are really stupid and go swimming right in front of the adults. :blink:

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