Search results

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    My 180 Gallon is all done!!!!!

    oh :unsure: DANG lol well to bad, 2 big for me, by the way i notmnate you for FOTM and TOTM the first fish pic with the fronts
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    Breeder Net

    um maby if they dont have much fry i think that will be ok but if they have a lot well it might be a bit packed. congrads of the fry mine are growing up right in front of my eyes.
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    Possible in a 55-gal?

    ok um if you are new too fish keeping a salt water tank im thinking this is, is SUICIDE salt water tanks are very hard 2 keep and very very pricey, i think clown fish are like $60 of something like that, and you cant keep that many fish in a small tank like that( its big for me but salt water...
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    50g new home to the mbuna.....

    everyone wants too steal your tanks and everything lol i do too ofcause, REALLY FREAKING GOOD, how big do mbuns get -_- seeing one makes me want one i thought they were ugly things, like firemouths dont like them too bland
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    My 180 Gallon is all done!!!!!

    im crying in the inside(wanting that tank) well i guess i could come over too your house and steal it and i can lift 1800 lb+ cause im super what are those fish they look like conficts but they have blueish fins what are they, how big do they get, um cause im thinking of a 55 gallon...
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    stick catfish

    :/ :alien: anyone :look: :-( :-( guess not many people have stick catfish lol
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    stick catfish

    im interested in getting a stick catfish, does anyone have one? WHat water paremters, food do they need, fish combatbilty, I have neons and cories or a angel and few gupps and some cories (2 tanks) which tank would be better for them. any help is appercated
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    worried about my clown loaches

    cooked cucumber
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    How much da discus

    thanks guys im getting second thoughts I might try something like i dont know maby get some more angels
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    worried about my clown loaches

    ok :D hi um clown loaches are bottem feedesrs they dont go 2 the top you have 2 get bottem feeder food hikkari sinking bottem feeder disks are good i dont know if clowns are 2 big for them tho...
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    How much da discus

    :D thanks 20-40 is good enough
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    How much da discus

    its gona be 3 months before i get another tank and i decied i wanted a challenge my fish are to easy and discus are really COOL so i guess i want 2 do discus. but r they like $80 cause then its a no go, dophin....oh ya and i live In da US
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    African Dwarf Frogs

    :blink: angel fish cant be with barbs :sad:
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    fish tank graffty problems

    lol ;) :P :D :lol:
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    crushed oyster shells from the beach

    i heard sea shells and stuff can make your Ph higher so....
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    what do i need

    im gona be getting a book but im wondering what stuff do i need for a 20 gallon or 29 gallon tank what can i get(clowns are cool but its ok if i cant do them) about what is the aproxment price of everything, what one fish can i get
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    they like very soft water, um they like 2 be in groups, they get big like 7' 8' and thats about that.
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    fish tank graffty problems

    My cory has a bad problem of grafftying my tank its out of hand see for your self he goes on this site too much(i know i shouldnt of got him is own computer)
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    My 180 Gallon.

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    My new 26 gal tank

    i only see one tiger barb :unsure: um if you only have one thats bad xpessly if you have other fish with long tails or fins get a school of atleast 4-5 should be 6-8 or more. but the tank looks great :thumbs:
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    cleaning a used tank with white stains HELP

    a razor? and he/she might have used the windex on the outside
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    light yes no

    they need light a lot of light, 12 hours minumum if they dont get enough light they will have back deformedes and that is that good at all ive had no problems with incandisnt lights which i think you are talking about, if they are in a tank with no heater it will help....good luck
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    Buidling a pond?

    i heard thos liner things dont last long....maby you could try those precut plastic ones...i dont know that much about ponds tho....
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    first of neons arent hardy fish so if ur tank hasnt cycled dont get neons i havnt done fishless cycle but ive heard good things about it, also what size of tanks is this 10 gallons 1 gallon....
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    glowlight and neons together?

    :shifty: you better post or else :grr: :sly: jk
  27. B

    glowlight and neons together?

    im getting a 29 gallon and im wondering can i have neons with glowlight tetras i dont have the glowlight but i do have the neons. any help is welcome thanks.
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    Blue incandisnt lights??

    thanks ;)
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    Blue incandisnt lights??

    ok thanks
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    Blue incandisnt lights??

    thanks for the info anyone else have any dif opionions?
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    Blue incandisnt lights??

    im setting up a neon tank, those blue lights i heard give it a more ocean look and i have fake ocean plants, i think it would be cool but are those lights ok for my neons? i dont want 2 get anything that would stress them or kill them or shorten their lives.
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    my odd tank

    i would like real but im not cofedent i can keep them alive
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    from what i know they are for terriums they arnt all aquatic like african dwarf frogs thats all i know sorry
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    Never again!!

    mine isnt 2 bad but most are morons i think there is one smart person there tho,
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    how do i breed forgs???

    um they might be impossible for a tank
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    identify me please

    they dont eat alge once they get big do they???
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    Rogues Gallery

    retake lol
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    Does your dog ever watch TV?

    lol :P :D
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    stocking levels

    well golfboy better than 1'' a gallon