Breeder Net


New Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Kansas City, Mo
I have 2 very pregnant fish, 1 is a guppy, the other is a platy. My question is, can I put more than 1 fish in a breeder net, and also, can I put 2 different breeds in there? or do I have to get another breeder net? Thanks!! (any info is greatly appreciated!) :wub:
um maby if they dont have much fry i think that will be ok but if they have a lot well it might be a bit packed. congrads of the fry mine are growing up right in front of my eyes.
I don't think breeder net is of any good, both to the mother n to the frys. The mother will get stressed out in such a small area. 2nd, the frys will probably get eaten back by the mom coz they'll have nowhere to hide in the net!

Either get a breeder trap where there's 2 compartment, one (the bottom compartment) that only frys can pass through so can hide from the mother. BUT drawback being lack of water circulation -> not enough oxygen.

It's best to get a small tank, may b a 5 gallon one. Cycle it, put lots of plants but little or no gravel, so the frys can hide from the mom n the mom won't get stressed out.

Anyway, to answer ur question, a breeder net won't be enough for two coz the net's already too small for one. Guppies will have around 20 frys one time, n platies more.
Thanks for your input, I have 3 Platy's, 1 black mollie, 3 neon's, 2 male guppies, and 2 female guppies, and a plecostamus. None are very aggressive, although I am worried about not catching the mama in time, and having the babies eaten! I did find 1 platy fry a week ago, but not since, so i guess they ate all of them. I will try a a double-breeder, i don't really have time to cycle a smaller tank. I will let you know how it goes!!!! Thanks all! ;) (20 gallon tank), forgot to mention that!!
I found a double breeder trap at my LFS. I am going to try it with my guppies when they are both really pregnant (which is hard for me to tell since they both just seem chubby all the time). Something similar could work well for you.
:lol:... I know the feeling! One day my female guppy looks like she's gonna pop, and the next minute, she is skinny again, but no fry..... I don't know half the time if she's pregnant or not! Anyway, I will keep watching and waiting!...LOL!!! :fish:

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