worried about my clown loaches


New Member
Sep 17, 2003
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i have 4 clown loaches 6 rainbow fish and two other fish i cant spell(im only 12) in a 55 gallon tank and im so happy cuz they all get along and love eachother but when i feed my fish the clown loaches dont really seem to care they dont swim to the top they just stay at the bottom they havnt been growing and i dont want them to starve :no: if anyone has any ideas on how i can get them to eat please tell me! i feed them frozen brim shrimp thanx in advance!
ok :D hi um clown loaches are bottem feedesrs
they dont go 2 the top you have 2 get bottem feeder food
hikkari sinking bottem feeder disks are good i dont know if clowns are 2 big for them tho...
iv tryed thos they eat them then spit them out i dont think they like it if any frozen briim shrip get to the bottem they eat its just that its rare cuz my rainbows eat it all first my loachs are always swimin around on the top tho
There r different varieties of sinking food suitable for them. I use Tetra Tabimin Sinking tablets (with 43% protein), Hikkari Algae wafers n sinking food (both with 34% protein) for them.

They might not show an interest to eat at first (like my clown loaches, they r choosy) but they'll eventually eat them, esp. when i'm not near. They r so shy!

Brine shrimps can only b fed as supplement food but not the "main food" coz there won't be enough protein.

Oh yes n they love cucumbers (uncooked for mine) too. But only feed them 2-3 times a week coz if u feed too much, brown algae will develop.
My clown loaches go mad for frozen bloodworm or tubifex worm as an occasional treat - you'll find some of it floats on the top for your top dwellers but loads sink to the bottom for the clownies to snuffle out!

Also they are nocturnal so you might want to try feeding them after the lights are out if they're still not happy eating.

Good luck! :thumbs:

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