Buidling a pond?


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Jan 17, 2002
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I'm going to put in a liner into a small pond shape I have dug in my garden, any advice with it? The dimensions are that its like a quarter of a circle. The radius is 3 foot and the depth is 3 foot. I plan on having some form of water feature which I will build out of the pump (probably just running over rocks). I intend to try and keep it as a nature pond but I do have one goldfish who I have earmarked for it :D
Hi Will

Make sure you line the pond prior to putting the liner in.

If you want it as a nature pool, the goldfish may not be a great idea.
Well this is interesting because I was toying with the idea myself,
for our turtle(s) :D. Our local garden center had pond liners on sale for a steal (end of the season clearance)

I'm not trying to hog your thread William :p ;) :D , but what kind of liner are you talking about Dolphin? The rubber liner UNDER the "tub" liner? I saw both today and wondered about it... :huh:
Dolphin mate, I too am puzzled by line it before you put the liner in? I assume you mean make sure it is smooth for the liner and placing down a layer of sand?
i heard thos liner things dont last long....maby you could try those precut plastic ones...i dont know that much about ponds tho....
Those liners can last from one day to thirty years.
Depending on what kind you get and how well you prepare the ground.
Make sure all sticks are cleared away.Add some sand,then add a layer or three of carpet liner.
I plan on making a pond out of rubber roofing liner, it is safe if you wash it well ahead of time.
RRL is alot cheaper than normal pond liner.That and Silo Cap as well. :thumbs:

Good luck with your new pond! :). :nod:

As for the turtles, an outside pond would be great for them!
Make a little island and watch them sunning and sliding and stuff,lol.
I had a small pond made for my alligator a couple years ago.
He loved it,and the family liked watching in it.
Good luck to you and your turtles! :thumbs:
Thanks for the help now I've just got to finish the last bit of digging and lay the liner :D Yes I know its taken nearly a month but I have had other things to do :p
Hi William, my brother and myself have built a couple of ponds with good success. Ours were made from concrete but the principle is still the same. We lined with thick black plastic, the same stuff they lay down before pouring a concrete pad. I wouldn,t use carpet or carpet underlay though, it absolutely stinks when it gets wet!
Creating your own pond is definatly a great experience. If you add any type of koi or goldfish please wait until next spring to do so. The fish need time to build up a layer of fat in order to survive the cold winter months. Or plan to bring them inside during the winter.
Are you taking any pictures on the progress?? That would be great to see. I live in an apartment now, but definitely want a pond when I buy a house. So it'd be good to see some picture. :D
William said:
I'm going to put in a liner into a small pond shape I have dug in my garden, any advice with it? The dimensions are that its like a quarter of a circle. The radius is 3 foot and the depth is 3 foot. I plan on having some form of water feature which I will build out of the pump (probably just running over rocks). I intend to try and keep it as a nature pond but I do have one goldfish who I have earmarked for it :D
:D -_- :p :p -_- :D I CAN HELP YOU WILLIAM WITH THIS. Im studying horticulture and ponds are my main interest of design!

Goldfish are a no no! They eat the lower links in the wildlife meaning the higher natural predators die becuase they then have nothing to eat!

A Rule to building ponds is to always prepare your surfaces!!!
By this i mean, remove all sharp stones or anything that my fully penetrate the liner or even semi. Put about 2 inches thick of building sand underneath the liner to give extra protection. Its cheap!

A second rule to wildlife ponds are that they are not formal! By this i mean, they are normally smooth edged, and curved! You know nature doesnt understand what straight lines are. heh.
The ponds edges also gently sloped, allowing newts frogs and other wildlife to enter and escape from it when they please.

Youve rightly made the depth of the pond just right. It will stop frost killing off the plants and pondlife.

Once the pond is ready fill it with home water, and just wait for wildlife to entre. You must remember that wildlife is looking for places to live since we have ruined and replaced their natural habitats with concrete houses etc.
A way to bump start a pond is to go searching for other peoples ponds. I dont mean for you to go and steel the stuff they have, but ask them to share it. They will really happily share there stuff as with ponds the need to be cleaned out or thinned is a better way to explain it. They overgrow!
Also in the bucket, you will pick up lots of tiny little bugs and alge etc, these will all kick start the wildlife pond.

If ya need anymore info ask me and ill fire away.
p.s ive got plants if your near bristol!!!!

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