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  1. C

    What Is This

    Hi BigC that sounds exactly like what I need. Any idea though where i could get it in Ireland (or the UK). I did a google search and it doesn't bring up any options to purchase it. Thanks
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    What Is This

    Thanks minxfishy, really good article. At last now i know what it is for sure. I guess my next problem is how i am going to get rid of it because my corys have spawned twice in a week. None of the first eggs hatched but this time theres 22 so might be a better chance. I have never seen or...
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    What Is This

    Hi Shroob yea its pretty similar to that. The only difference is that mine look more like a cup at the top. But its definitely pretty close to that. I think they got introduced into my tank when i added filter media and pretty dirty water from their filter system (didnt know then not to add the...
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    What Is This

    No its actually very similar in looks to a flower, only almost microscopic. If you look very carefully its attached to objects (mainly the glass) by whats looks like a single stem. I have search everywhere on the net for a definite identification but no luck. Im hoping its something common that...
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    What Is This

    Hi I have something growing a the walls and plastic plant leaves in both of my tanks but i dont know what it is or if its bad. Its pretty hard to describe but it looks almost like a single stem plant the size of a pin, white or almost see through in colour. You have to look extremely hard to...
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    New To Keeping Tropical Fish

    Hi oddjob im pretty new as well. You should listen to everyones advise and do a fishless cycle with pure ammonia. Its a pain having to wait a month before adding any fish but its well worth it in the long run (especially for the fish). I set up a 110l liter tank a few months ago and from...
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    Peppered Cory Eggs

    Yea, they're at it again this morning and so far i can see one egg :hyper: The 4 of them are going crazy, its well funny. I got rid of the other eggs this morning as they all had fungus growing on them unfortunately. I have the breeding trap now set up so them the air pump will be held in...
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    Peppered Cory Eggs

    cool thanks drewry. Would you recommend adding Methylene Blue when they are newly laid or is it best not too?
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    Peppered Cory Eggs

    Yea i think a few lessons learnt for sure. Im going to give them till tomorrow and take them out then. There isnt any more eggs to infect as there were only 8 in total (they ate 1 before i could get them out). If they do decide to lay more eggs im going to have to try something different. Might...
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    Peppered Cory Eggs

    Yea I put in an airstone straight away. I also positioned the breeding trap so there was loads of water flowing through it from the pump. To be honest it looks like 5 out of the 6 good eggs might have fungus unfortunately. Problem is i dont know for definite,and i dont want to go at them unless...
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    Peppered Cory Eggs

    Forgot to add i have loads of water movement in the trap.
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    Peppered Cory Eggs

    Thanks StrontiumDog :good: . Just had a good look at the eggs there, all are a beige colour except one. The only problem is i noticed a kind of clear wool like substance on the eggs. Im thinking it either a fungus or its what happens naturally?? Can anyone tell me how they should look after...
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    What Type Of Dechlorinator Is Best?

    Cool, thanks drobbyb
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    What Type Of Dechlorinator Is Best?

    Has anyone used Tetra Pond Aquasafe Watersafe De-chlorinator. Was looking at this the other day as it was way cheaper but was afraid to use it case it didnt work (after spending all that time building up good bacteria through a fishless cycle :rolleyes: ) If it is ok to use do you just use...
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    Cory Question

    Hi Wilder just thought id let you know the corys are doing great. One or 2 still scratch the odd time but they look very healthy. I actually added 1 more female cory last week and today she has layed 8 eggs so far so im well pleased :hyper: Thanks again for all your advice :good:
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    Peppered Cory Eggs

    Just noticed one egg went missing so iv moved the other 7 into the breeding trap. Iv placed the hatchery on the opposite side of the tank from the pump but there seems to be a nice gentle flow going in through the little slits on the wall. Should i also add the air stone? Also i bought interpet...
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    Peppered Cory Eggs

    Forgot to ask when it is best to move the eggs. The female is still cleaning the glass near where the eggs are and the male is still trying to get it on with her :rolleyes: .. Is it ok to try and place them in the trap now or wait. Also should i just roll them into the trap with something like...
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    Peppered Cory Eggs

    Woohoo, thanks drewry.. Got too excited though and already got a breeding trap. Its a marina 2 in one fish hatchery. Im guessing its probably more for live bearers but hopefully it will do the trick. I also got a second small airstone to run off my existing airpump. The sides of the hatchery...
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    Peppered Cory Eggs

    Hi just got back from my lfs with 3 glowlight tetras (getting 3 more during the week as i dont want to add to many at once) and added them to my quarantine tank. Just had a quick look in my main tank that contains 4 peppered corys & noticed about 6 eggs on the glass :D . I thought they had...
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    Adding Neon Tetras

    Meant to write glowlight tetra :look: :fun: Yea iv read that glowlights are easier to keep so maybe i might get a shoal of them instead. Any other suggestions on a good easy tetra to keep. I thought about the silver tip but i read they fin nip and bully fish?? What about the rummy nose...
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    Adding Neon Tetras

    Hi, Thanks for the replies and the help. Initially I set up a 60l tank nearly 3 months ago and fully cycled it using the pure ammonia method. The cycle took about a month with the help of some added mature filter media. I then purchased a 110l a month later after realising that a 60l was too...
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    Adding Neon Tetras

    I am hoping to add a shoal of 10 neons to my 110l tank that contains 4 peppered corys. I have done quite a bit of research on neons and have read some different views. Some sources say that they are weak and hard to keep and some say they are hard and will live for years. I also read that they...
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    Is It Ok To Add A Med 'just To Be On The Safe Side'?

    Hi Spishkey did you have any success with the iching. I have a similar problem with some corys, they have been itching for a few weeks but I cant work out what it is..
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    Cory Question

    Too late i added it last night after i was sure that it was velvet. They had a good bit of gold around their fins when i had a good look last night. The king british methylene blue says it is also a good treatment for velvet so i added it. I just checked the water stats now and ammonia is...
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    Cory Question

    Hi Wilder i couldnt find any info about wiping out beneficial bacteria unfortunately, it doesnt say it anywhere on the box, internet or leaflet . At the moment they're in a 2 month old fully cycled 60l tank which im going to use as a temporary tank for new fish. I have a new 110l that is...
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    Cory Question

    I think the gold on the corys now could actually be velvet. As far as i can tell there appears to be more gold than yesterday, around the fins and over the gills. Was reading that the king british methylene blue also treats velvet. Not sure what to do, will it be ok with the bacteria colony??
  27. C

    Cory Question

    Yea they didnt have the waterlife unfortunately so i bought king british methylene blue. Did you say that you have tried this and it doesnt wipe out bacteria colonies? or do i need to remove the filter media (sorry just a little confused, hopefully it doesnt wipe out the bacteria because that...
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    Transferring Filter?

    Hey grumpygourami im planning on doing a similiar move to you - moving my 3 corys from my 60l fully cycled tank to my new 110l. Iv have been fishless cycling the 110l tank for nearly a month but its going really slow. Am thinking I might just transfer half the filter media to the new tank...
  29. C

    Cory Question

    Hey Wilder thanks again for your help. I havent seen waterlife in my lfs but ill have a look. They usually stock king british. If they dont have waterlife i might try King British Methylene Blue: Methylene Blue is one of the best known active ingredients in fish treatments, traditionally used...
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    Cory Question

    As far as i can see the water is crystal clear They seem to be rubbing their gills or just underneath their head on bogwood and gravel. Iv noticed the flicking get a lot more frequent in the last hour. I can see some gold on the body but i did a google search on peppered corys and in the...
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    Cory Question

    Yea its really funny watching them swim through it, i was thinking that maybe it was a way of relieving the itch but probably not. Yea had a good look at the inside of the gills there (had to coax them over with a tiny bit of food and the inside of the gills is sort of a pinkish maybe rather...
  32. C

    Cory Question

    Got the fish last thursday. Since then they have looked really healthy except for the flicking. Even now 2 of them are flicking every so often. Other than that they look perfect. The inside of the gills do look red in all 3 but im not sure if thats just the way they should look. They dont look...
  33. C

    Cory Question

    Hi Wilder, I am really sorry to be bothering you with problems again and really appreciate the help. I just saw a second cory flicking off the gravel just now. The first guy is starting to increase the rate of flicking. The tank only contains the 3 corys. So far: no sign of slime gills are...
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    Cory Question

    Hi, Cant believe I have another problem with a fish flicking against bogwood after successfully treating white spot last week. Last Thursday I moved the barbs out of the tank and added 3 peppered corydoras(temporary holding tank). They are all looking really healthy and eating but 1 has been...
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    Peppered Corydoras & Medication

    Thanks for the advice Inchworm. Have spent a good few hours on the net and the cory is not displaying any other disease signs - all very active, all eating as much as they can get. The only problem is that 1 cory is sometimes flashing. I did think they looked a little pale in colour but to be...
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    Peppered Corydoras & Medication

    Cool, thanks for that geezer :good:
  37. C

    Peppered Corydoras & Medication

    Hi, Just wondering if it is ok to treat Peppered Corydoras with white spot meds. At this moment I am just checking to see if they can handle the medication as im not positive yet that its white spot, ill keep an eye on them & see how it develops. I have them now nearly a week and they look...
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    Meds With Peppered Corydoras

    Hi, Just wondering if it is ok to treat Peppered Corydoras with white spot meds. At this moment I am just checking to see if they can handle the medication as im not positive yet that its white spot. I have them now nearly a week and they look really healthy, active swimming, eating well and...
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    7 Day Wait Or Not

    Thanks drobbyb, tried to get a pic but its impossible to make out anything, they are way too small. Man it looks like im having every problem possible. Unfortunately my last female cherry barb died last night. Only the one male left, i had treated them yesterday morning for white spot but she...
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    7 Day Wait Or Not

    One last question if anyone can help me. I noticed over the last week there has also been almost microscopic little flower like things in my tank. They are attached to the glass by what looks like a stem and the flower bit is just waving around in the current. I have searched the internet but no...